Based on wireless sensor networks, a physiological signal acquisition system is proposed. The system is used in classroom education in order to understand the physiological changes in the students. In the system,the biological electrical signal related to student attention and emotion states can be measured by electrocardiography signals. The bioelectrical signal is digitalized at a 200 Hz sampling rate and is transmitted by the ZigBee protocol. Simultaneously, the Bluetooth technology is also embedded in the nodes so as to meet the high sampling rate and the high-bandwidth transmission. The system can implement the monitoring tasks for 30 students, and the experimental results of using the system in the classroom are proposed. Finally, the applications of wireless sensor networks used in education is also discussed.
虚拟现实技术中,纹理的力触觉表达通常需要提取纹理表面的高度轮廓特征,从而再现纹理的凹凸感,而图像纹理则反映的是纹理表面的二维灰度特征。提出了一种根据图像灰度信息恢复表面三维轮廓(shape from shading,SFS),并用于纹理的力触觉表达的方法。采用Tsai&Shah算法从二维纹理图像中恢复出表面三维微观形状,并用力触觉模型渲染。该方法无需专门仪器测量物体表面的微观轮廓,无需设计专用的纹理力触觉表达装置。实验表明该方法是可行的,并通过对实验结果的分析给出了改进方向。