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5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
Possible Thermal Brightness Temperature Anomalies Associated with the Yutian (China) M_S7.3 Earthquake on February 12,2014
In order to analyze the seismic brightness temperature anomalies associated with the Yutian earthquake which occurred at Yutian County, Xinjiang on February 12,2014, daily brightness temperature data was collected from the China Geostationary Meteorological Satellite FY-2E,for the period from May 1,2012 to April 30,2014 and the geographical extent of 30°- 45°N latitude and 70°- 95°E longitude. The continuous wavelet transform method was used to analyze the relative wavelet power spectrum( RWPS) of brightness temperature data for each pixel. And the RWPS time-spatial evolution within the analysis area was obtained. The results showed that the anomaly started to appear at the vicinity of epicentre since October 2013, and anomalous areas gradually enlarged and stretched towards to Altun fault zone and the eastern part of West Kunlun fault zone. Anomalies began to appear at fault zones at Middle Tianshan Mountains, Southern Tianshan Mountains and the western part of the West Kunlun Mountains area which is located at the western margin of Tarim basin,since November 2013. Then anomalous area further enlarged and gathered along fault zones,and eventually,anomalous belts were developed along fault zones around the Tarim basin. The anomaly area and amplitude reached their maximum in late December 2013 and early January 2014. With the impending earthquake,the anomaly area and amplitude dwindled. Anomalies at the vicinity of epicentre disappeared days before the occurrence of the main shock. However, the anomaly at Altun and Middle Tianshan areas still remained. After the main shock,the anomaly attenuated quickly and the whole anomaly disappeared in late February 2014.
Xie TaoZheng XiaodongKang ChunliMa WeiyuLu Jun
本文利用DEMETER卫星运行约6.5年总离子浓度数据和期间全球发生Mw 4.8以上地震参数,自动检测距震中1500 km范围内、震前15天出现电离层扰动,统计电离层扰动异常随地震临近在时间、空间上的演化特征以及异常变化幅度随震级变化规律.数据处理过程中通过控制K_p指数以去掉部分因太阳活动引起的电离层扰动.统计结果显示,地震探测率及电离层响应异常幅度随震级增大而增高.大地震能引起强电离层扰动,扰动幅度可超过背景值1倍以上.全球范围,电离层存在变化活跃区,小幅度电离层扰动趋向于背景变化.北半球中低纬度地区是有利的地震电离层响应监测区.地震相关电离层扰动异常出现频次随地震临近而增高,主要出现在震前一周.空间上,扰动有随地震临近向震中运移的趋势.
Analysis on Apparent Resistivity Variations of Garzê Station before the 2013 Lushan M_S 7. 0 Earthquake
A trend increase in apparent resistivity has been observed in the N30°E monitoring direction at Garze Seismic Station since July 2011. This increase trend in geo-electric resistivity has been observed in the N60°W direction since 2012. During the period of the increase, the national highway No.317 was expanded in the monitoring area, so the potential electrodes in the N30°E direction had to be moved 10m towards the current electrodes. We interpreted the electric sounding data of Garz6 Seismic Station with a horizontally layered model. Analysis based on this model showed that the shift of potential electrodes can cause a 4 l-l.m rise to the measurements in the N30°E direction. Therefore, apparent resistivity of the two directions increased in the same time in 2012 after offsetting the effects from electrodes shift. Sensitivity coefficients of the two observation directions were also obtained using the model. Sensitivity coefficients of both directions were negative for the shallow layers, which can well explain the unexpected annual variations of Garze Seismic Station. In order to quantitatively analyze the effects from the expansion of the national highway on the observation, we constructed a finite element model based on the electrical structure. Analysis results also suggested that the expansion of the national highway could only cause a 0. 15 Ω·m decrease in the N60°W monitoring direction and 0. 1 Ω· m increase in the N30°E direction. Additionally, the valley values of annual variation of 2013 were distinctively higher than that of other years since 2008, meaning that there was an abnormal rise in apparent resistivity in the two observation directions at Garz~ Seismic Station before the Lushan earthquake. However, the rise was contrary to the decline variation before the Wenchuan earthquake. Therefore, it is still unsure whether or not the rise variation is related to the Lushan earthquake.
Xie TaoLu JunRen YuexiaZhao Minyuan
基于汶川MS8.0地震前3天记录到的强空间电磁异常的观测事实,引用岩石压电效应模型和岩石受压产生的电子-空穴理论,尝试推算和解释汶川地震前产生的显著空间电磁异常现象的"能量源"问题.结果显示:在设定汶川MS8.0地震发震主断层所受最大水平主应力和断层表面积的情况下,根据理论模型模拟计算得出,当发震主断层在强压力作用下形成微破裂至宏观破裂发育产生主破裂前,断层表面积累的电荷带电量为106—107 C,产生的垂直地-气界面附加电场为107—108 V/m;主破裂发生时,断层表面电量可达108 C,电场强度高达109 V/m,断层输出电流量级达105 A.震源区地-气界面电磁场的增强,一方面引起地面附近大范围电磁观测参数的大幅度突变异常,另一方面加速震源区上空的气体分子电离,空气电离增强空气的电导率,促使电荷快速扩散至电离层高度,直接引起高空电离层参数的短时突变异常并经空间地震监测卫星记录到.