研究了常规LEDM O S,带有两块多晶硅场极板LEDM O S以及带有两块多晶硅场极板和一块铝场极板的LEDM O S表面电场分布情况,重点研究了多块场极板在不同的外加电压下,三种LEDM O S的表面峰值电场和导通电阻的变化情况。模拟结果和流水实验结果都表明:多块场极板是提高LEDM O S击穿电压的一种有效方法,而且场极板对导通电阻的影响很小。研究结果还表明:由于金属铝引线下面的氧化层很厚,所以铝引线几乎不会影响到LEDM O S的击穿特性。
A novel 2D analytical model for the doping profile of the bulk silicon RESURF LDMOS drift region is proposed. According to the proposed model, to obtain good performance, the doping profile in the total drift region of a RESURF LDMOS with a field plate should be piecewise linearly graded. The breakdown voltage of the proposed RESURF LDMOS with a piecewise linearly graded doping drift region is improved by 58. 8%, and the specific on-resistance is reduced by 87. 4% compared with conventional LDMOS. These results are verified by the two-dimensional process simulator Tsuprem-4 and the device simulator Medici.