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18 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Testing the mantle plume hypothesis: an IODP effort to drill into the Kamchatka-Okhotsk Sea basement被引量:7
The great mantle plume debate(GPD) has been going on for ~15 years(Foulger and Natland, 2003;Anderson, 2004; Niu, 2005; Davies, 2005; Foulger, 2005; Campbell, 2005; Campbell and Davies, 2006),centered on whether mantle plumes exist as a result of Earth's cooling or whether their existence is purely required for convenience in explaining certain Earth phenomena(Niu, 2005). Despite the mounting evidence that many of the so-called plumes may be localized melting anomalies, the debate is likely to continue. We recognize that the slow progress of the debate results from communication difficulties.Many debaters may not truly appreciate(1) what the mantle plume hypothesis actually is, and(2) none of the petrological, geochemical and geophysical methods widely used can actually provide smoking-gun evidence for or against mantle plume hypothesis. In this short paper, we clarify these issues, and elaborate a geologically effective approach to test the hypothesis. According to the mantle plume hypothesis, a thermal mantle plume must originate from the thermal boundary layer at the core-mantle boundary(CMB), and a large mantle plume head is required to carry the material from the deep mantle to the surface. The plume head product in ocean basins is the oceanic plateau, which is a lithospheric terrane that is large(1000's km across), thick(>200 km), shallow(2–4 km high above the surrounding seafloors), buoyant(~1% less dense than the surrounding lithosphere), and thus must be preserved in the surface geology(Niu et al., 2003). The Hawaiian volcanism has been considered as the surface expression of a type mantle plume, but it does not seem to have a(known) plume head product. If this is true, the Hawaiian mantle plume in particular and the mantle plume hypothesis in general must be questioned. Therefore, whether there is an oceanic plateau-like product for the Hawaiian volcanism is key to testing the mantle plume hypothesis, and the Kamchatka-Okhotsk Sea basement is the best candidate to find out if it is indeed the Hawaiian
Yaoling NiuXuefa ShiTiegang LiShiguo WuWeidong SunRixiang Zhu
Post-collisional,K-rich mafic magmatism in south Tibet:constraints on Indian slab-to-wedge transport processes and plateau uplift
Post-collisional(23-8 Ma),potassium-rich (including ultrapotassic and potassic) mafic magmatic rocks occur wit...
Zhengfu GuoMarjorie WilsonMaoliang ZhangZhihui ChengLihong Zhang
The origin of the Chifeng Cenozoic basalts: Recycled ocean crust or Delaminated lower crust vs. Mantle metasomatism
<正>Previous studies have shown that subduction of the Pacific plate strongly influenced the geological process...
Pengyuan GuoYaoling NiuPu SunLei YeJinju LiuYu Zhang
Stagnant subducted Pacific slab-derived CO2emissions: Insights into magma degassing at Changbaishan volcano, NE China
Changbaishan volcano,~1400 km away from Pacific subduction zone,has long been regarded as significant source o...
Maoliang ZhangZhengfu GuoYuji SanoZhihui ChengLihong Zhang
Late Cenozoic intraplate volcanism in Changbai volcanic field, on the border of China and North Korea: insights into deep subduction of the Pacific slab and intraplate volcanism
Late Cenozoic intraplate volcanism in the Changbai volcanic field straddles the border between China and North...
Maoliang ZhangZhengfu GuoZhihui ChengLihong ZhangJiaqi Liu
Evolution of mantle xenolith-bearing alkali basalts during ascent: An overview and new perspectives with evidence
<正>Studies have shown that mantle xenolith-bearing magmas must ascend rapidly to be able to carry mantle xenol...
Pu SunYaoling NiuHuixia CuiPengyuan GuoLei YeJinju Liu
Evolution of mantle xenolith-bearing alkali basalts during ascent: An overview and new perspectives with evidence
<正>Studies have shown that mantle xenolith-bearing magmas must ascend rapidly to be able to carry mantle xenol...
Pu SunYaoling NiuHuixia CuiPengyuan GuoLei YeJinju Liu