The unsaturated undisturbed quaternary system middle pleistocene loess,a typical unsaturated soil,often occurs in the implementation of western development strategy.To obtain the shearing strength characteristics of this unsaturated undisturbed loess,based on the analysis of mineral composition,the triaxial shear test of undisturbed quaternary system middle pleistocene loess under different moisture contents is conducted with the specialized triaxial instrument for unsaturated soil.The test results show that the mainly mineral composition of undisturbed quaternary system middle pleistocene loess is quartz and albite.Under the same confining pressure,the matric suction increases with the decrease of moisture content.The smaller the moisture content,the larger the matric suction;the higher the moisture content,the lower the matric suction.Under the same moisture content,the matric suction increases with the confining pressure and reaches a maximum when the confining pressure is 100 kPa,and then decreases with the increase of confining pressure.This phenomenon is closely related to the grain contact tightness of soil mass under high confining pressure.According to the triaxial test of loess,the sample of loess experiences 4 stages from loading to failure:1) compaction stage;2) compression stage;3) microcrack developing stage;4) shear failure stage.The test sample is of brittle failure(weak softening)under low moisture content and confining pressure.With the decrease of matric suction and the increase of consolidated confining pressure,the stress-strain curve changes from softening type to ideal plastic type.In the shearing strength parameters of unsaturated undisturbed loess,the influence of moisture content on internal friction angle is small,but that on cohesive force is obvious.Therefore,the shearing strength of unsaturated undisturbed loess is higher than that of saturated undisturbed loess and varies with the moisture content.
基于考虑含石量、含水率、块石岩性、初始孔隙比、法向压力5个影响因素的土石混合体室内大型直剪试验,利用剪切面在分形几何学上的统计规律和颗粒流数值模拟方法得到的直剪试验中颗粒的相互作用规律,对土石混合体的抗剪强度产生机制进行研究。结果表明:(1)土石混合体的剪切面呈不规则的起伏形态与块石的存在关系密切,且具有较好的分形特征,分形维数随着含石量和块石强度的增大、含水率和法向压力的减小均呈增大趋势;(2)含石量高于40%时,黏聚力小于30 k Pa;(3)内摩擦角随着含石量的增大、块石强度的增大、含水率的降低、初始孔隙比的降低、法向压力的降低均呈增大规律,且与分形维数满足正相关函数关系;(4)块石附近应力集中较明显,剪切过程中,颗粒间的接触力主要通过迎着剪切方向的接触面传递,而背着剪切方向的颗粒接触面基本不传递力;(5)内摩擦角φ等于剪切面上与颗粒本身接触性质有关的接触面内摩擦角θ0和与剪切面分形维数有关的接触面倾角θi之和,利用此机制可解释直剪试验中强度参数的变化规律。