Planation surfaces (PS) play a major role in reconstruction of the evolutionary history of landforms in local areas. Thus, objective and consistent mapping of planation surfaces from remotely sensed data (e.g., satellite imagery, digital elevation models (DEMs)) is paramount for interpreting the geomorphological evolution. Due to the lack of dated sedimentary covers and the difficulties of com-prehensive field work, the number and age of planation surfaces in the Southwest Hubei (湖北) Prov-ince of China are still controversial. In order to map the PS in the study area, four data visualization techniques including ETM+ false color composite, grey-scale DEM, shaded relief model (SRM) and painted relief model (P M) were examined. It is found that the PRM is the most optimal technique for planation surface mapping. The study area was successfully mapped by visual interpretation of a PRM derived from ASTER GDEM. The mapped PS was divided into five classes in terms of elevation ac-cording to previous studies, varying from 1 700-2 000 (PS1), 1 300-1 500 (PS2), 1 000-1 200 (PS3), 800-900 (PS4) to 500-600 (PS5) m. The results were partially compared with the published works. It is revealed that this method of mapping enjoys a higher accuracy and can reduce the time and ef- fort required in the traditional mapping to a large extent. The results also demonstrated that the PRM is an effective tool for geomorphological fea-ture mapping with considerable accuracy. The pre- liminary results can serve to facilitate locating rep-resentative samples for the planation surfaces dating, thus to determine the ages of PS in the study areas.
The Lunar Penetrating Radar(LPR)carried by Chang’E-3 has imaged the shallow subsurface of the landing site at the northern Mare Imbrium.The antenna B of the Channel-2 onboard the LPR(LPR Channel-2B)has collected more than 2000 traces of usable raw data.Because of the low resolution and noise of the raw data,only a few shallow geological structures are visible.To improve the resolution and the signal-to-noise ratio of the LPR data,we processed the LPR data including amplitude compensation,filtering,and deconvolution processes.The processing results reveal that the data processing in this study not only improves the signal-to-noise ratio of the LPR Channel-2B data but also makes the geological structures vivid.The processing results will lay the foundation for the subsequent geological interpretation and physical property inversion of lunar materials.
The Quanji (全吉) Massif is located in the Northwest China, which is interpreted as a micro-continent that is composed of metamorphic basement and stable cover strata. There are some controversies of genetic relationship between the Quanji Massif and the major cratons in China. In this study, we obtained in situ zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopic compositions of the Yingfeng (鹰峰) rapakivi granites from the northwest Quanji Massif by application of LA-MC-ICP-MS technique. Twenty U-Pb age measurements points are concordant or near concordant, and their weighted mean 207pb/206pb age is 1 793.9±6.4 Ma (MSWD= 1.09), yields an upper intercept age of 1 800±17 Ma (MSWD=0.41); 19 Hf isotope measurements yield a two-stage Hf model ages (TDM2) of 2.63 to 2.81 Ga, with a weighted average age of about 2.70±0.02 Ga and till(t)values variate between -8.91 to -5.35. This indicates that magma source of the Yingfeng rapakivi granites were produced from partial melting of late stage of Neoarchean juvenile crust, and suggests a significant crustal growth event occurred in the Quanji Massif at that time. The Quanji Massif might be an ancient continental segment detached from the Tarim Craton based on the crustal growth history and other geological records. The Tarim Craton (including the Quanji Massif) and the North China Craton had a similar or homological early crustal evolution around -2.7 Ga, which implies that Tarim Craton might be one of the component parts of North China Craton. of the Yingfeng rapakivi granites were produced from partial melting of late stage of Neoarchean juve- nile crust, and suggests a significant crustal growth event occurred in the Quanji Massif at that time. The Quanji Massif might be an ancient continental segment detached from the Tarim Craton based on the crustal growth history and other geological records. The Tarim Craton (including the Quanji Massif) and the North China Craton had a similar or homological early crustal evolution around -2.7 Ga, which implies that