In this paper, we investigate biharmonic maps from a complete Riemannian manifold into a Riemannian manifold with non-positive sectional curvature. We obtain some non-existence results for these maps.
In this paper, we solve the so-called CR Poincare-Lelong equation by solving the CR Poisson equation on a complete noncompact CR (2n + 1)-manifold with nonegative pseudohermitian bisectional curvature tensors and vanishing torsion which is an odd dimensional counterpart of Kahler geometry. With applications of this solution plus the CR Liouvelle property, we study the structures of complete noncompact Sasakian manifolds and CR Yamabe steady solitons.
In this paper, we introduce the notion of Hermitian pluriharmonic maps from Hermitian manifold into Kiihler manifold. Assuming the domain manifolds possess some special exhaustion functions and the vecotor field V = JMδJM satisfies some decay conditions, we use stress-energy tensors to establish some monotonicity formulas of partial energies of Hermitian pluriharmonic maps. These monotonicity inequalities enable us to derive some holomorphicity for these Hermitian pluriharmonic maps.