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作品数:2 被引量:21H指数:2


  • 2篇中文期刊文章


  • 1篇机械工程
  • 1篇一般工业技术
  • 1篇理学


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  • 1篇2016
  • 1篇2015
2 条 记 录,以下是 1-2
Hybrid opto-mechanical systems with nitrogen-vacancy centers被引量:4
In this review, we briefly review recent works on hybrid (nano) and diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers. We also review opto-mechanical systems that contain both mechanical oscillators two different types of mechanical oscillators. The first one is a clamped mechanical oscillator, such as a cantilever, with a fixed frequency. The second one is an optically trapped nano-diamond with a built-in nitrogen-vacancy center. By coupling mechanical resonators with electron spins, we can use the spins to control the motion of mechanical oscillators. For the first setup, we discuss two different coupling mechanisms, which are magnetic coupling and strain induced coupling. We summarize their applications such as cooling the mechanical oscillator, generating entanglements between NV centers, squeezing spin ensembles etc. For the second setup, we discuss how to generate quantum superposition states with magnetic coupling, and realize matter wave interferometer. We will also review its applications as ultra-sensitive mass spectrometer. Finally, we discuss new coupling mechanisms and applications of the field.
YIN ZhangQiZHAO NanLI TongCang
Quantum superposition, entanglement, and state teleportation of a microorganism on an electromechanical oscillator被引量:17
Schrodinger's thought experiment to prepare a cat in a superposition of both alive and dead states reveals profound consequences of quantum mechanics and has attracted enormous interests. Here we propose a straight- forward method to create quantum superposition states of a living microorganism by putting a small cryopreserved bacterium on top of an electromechanical oscillator. Our proposal is based on recent developments that the center- of-mass oscillation of a 15-pro-diameter aluminum mem- brane has been cooled to its quantum ground state (Teufel et al. in Nature 475:359, 2011), and entangled with a microwave field (Palomaki et al. in Science 342:710, 2013). A microorganism with a mass much smaller than the mass of the electromechanical membrane will not signifi- cantly affect the quality factor of the membrane and can be cooled to the quantum ground state together with themembrane. Quantum superposition and teleportation of its center-of-mass motion state can be realized with the help of superconducting microwave circuits. More importantly, the internal states of a microorganism, such as the electron spin of a glycine radical, can be entangled with its center-of- mass motion and teleported to a remote microorganism. Our proposal can be realized with state-of-the-art tech- nologies. The proposed setup is a quantum-limited mag- netic resonance force microscope. Since internal states of an organism contain information, our proposal also pro- vides a scheme for teleporting information or memories between two remote organisms.
Tongcang LiZhang-Qi Yin