Finsler geometry is a natural and fundamental generalization of Riemann geometry. The Finsler structure depends on both coordinates and velocities. It is defined as a function on tangent bundle of a manifold. We use the Bianchi identities satisfied by the Chern curvature to set up a gravitation theory in Berwald-Finsler space. The geometric part of the gravitational field equation is nonsymmetric in general. This indicates that the local Lorentz invariance is violated.
Kinematics in Finsler space is used to study the propagation of ultra high energy cosmic rays particles through the cosmic microwave background radiation. We find that the GZK threshold is lifted dramatically in Randers-Finsler space. A tiny deformation of spacetime from Minkowskian to Finslerian allows more ultra-high energy cosmic rays particles to arrive at the earth. It is suggested that the lower bound of particle mass is related with the negative second invariant speed in Randers-Finsler space.