Termination of translation in eukaryotes requires two polypeptide chain-release factors, eRF1 and eRF3. eRF1 recognizes stop signals, whereas eRF3 is a ribosome-dependent and eRFl-dependent GTPase. Polypeptide release factor eRF3 consists of N-terminal variable region and C-terminal conserved part. C-terminal part of eRF3 is responsible for termination of the translation, In the present study, the C-terminal of Euplotes octocarinatus eRF3 (eRF3C) and truncate eRF3C lacking 76 amino acids in C-terminal (eRF3Ct) were expressed in Escherichia coll. The recombinant GST-eRF3C and GST-eRF3Ct polypeptides were purifled by affinity chromatography using glutathione Sepharose 4B column. After enzymatic cleavage of GST tail, the eRF3C and eRF3Ct protein were obtained. Pull-down analysis showed that the recombinant GST-eRF3C and GST-eRF3Ct polypeptides interacted with E. octocarinatus polypeptide chain release factor eRF1a. This result suggested that the C-terminal of eRF3 having 76 amino acids were not required for the binding of eRFla in Euplotes octocarinatus.