Generalized linear measurement error models, such as Gaussian regression, Poisson regression and logistic regression, are considered. To eliminate the effects of measurement error on parameter estimation, a corrected empirical likelihood method is proposed to make statistical inference for a class of generalized linear measurement error models based on the moment identities of the corrected score function. The asymptotic distribution of the empirical log-likelihood ratio for the regression parameter is proved to be a Chi-squared distribution under some regularity conditions. The corresponding maximum empirical likelihood estimator of the regression parameter π is derived, and the asymptotic normality is shown. Furthermore, we consider the construction of the confidence intervals for one component of the regression parameter by using the partial profile empirical likelihood. Simulation studies are conducted to assess the finite sample performance. A real data set from the ACTG 175 study is used for illustrating the proposed method.
In this paper, we consider the partially nonlinear errors-in-variables models when the non- parametric component is measured with additive error. The profile nonlinear least squares estimator of unknown parameter and the estimator of nonparametric component are constructed, and their asymptotic properties are derived under general assumptions. Finite sample performances of the proposed statistical inference procedures are illustrated by Monte Carlo simulation studies.