Let T(q, D) be a self-similar (fractal) set generated by {fi(x) = 1/q((x + di)}^Ni=1 where integer q 〉 1and D = {d1, d2 dN} C R. To show the Lipschitz equivalence of T(q, D) and a dust-iik-e T(q, C), one general restriction is 79 C Q by Peres et al. [Israel] Math, 2000, 117: 353-379]. In this paper, we obtain several sufficient criterions for the Lipschitz equivalence of two self-similar sets by using dust-like graph-directed iterating function systems and combinatorial techniques. Several examples are given to illustrate our theory.
In this paper, the dimensional results of Moran-Sierpinski gasket are considered. Moran-Sierpinski gasket has the Moran structure, which is an extension of the Sierpinski gasket by the method of Moran set. By the technique of Moran set, the Hausdorff, packing, and upper box dimensions of the Moran-Sierpinski gasket are given. The dimensional results of the Sierpinski gasket can be seen as a special case of this paper.
We study shift invariant spaces generated by refinable distributions. We classify the summation and the intersection of shift invariant spaces generated by refinable distributions,and prove that they are also shift invariant spaces generated by refinable distributions.
M(J, {ms * ns}, {Cs}) be the collection of Cartesian products of two homogenous Moran sets with the same ratios {cs} Where J = [0, 1] × [0, 1]. Then the maximal and minimal values of the Hausdorff dimensions for the elements in M are obtained without any restriction on {msns} or {cs}.