Highly charged ions (HCIs) carrying amount of potential energy will produce some new physical phenomenabecause the potential energy will be deposited into a very small volume within a very short time. We wouldapply the calorimetric method to study the energy deposition of HCIs [1;2]. Herein we introduce the new setup forcalorimetric measurement for the potential energy deposition of highly charged ions at 320 kV Highly Charged IonsPhysics Experimental Platform.The setup was constructed by 3 parts: the Dewar, the electrical temperature controller and the main part. Thediamond target was connected to the LN2 cooled heat sink by 4 copper wires and a Platinum temperature sensorwas glued to the rear side of the target. As shown in Fig. 1.
Graphene is two dimensional materials which is made of honeycombed carbon atoms. It attracts extensiveinterests for its wonderful characteristics that make the graphene a potential candidate in fields of microelectronicsproduction, molecule detection, desalination and DNA sequencing. Highly charged ion (HCI) has huge potentialenergy for peeling off electrons. When interacting with solid surface, the HCI distorted the solid lattice via potentialdeposition and then the nanostructures were formed on the solid surface. The HCI was expected as a tool for surfacemodification. In this work, HOPG and grapheme were irradiated with Xeq+ and Arq+ ions. The typical Ramanspectra of graphene and HOPG irradiated with highly charged ions were shown in Fig. 1. The D peak appeared at1 335 cm??1 on the spectra of graphene irradiated with highly charged ions. The intensity of D peak increased withfluence. The ratio of intensity of D peak to that of G peak varied with fluence in Fig. 2. The ratio rose linearlywith the square root of fluence when fluence was low. The ratio saturated when the irradiation fluence was high.The critical fluence depended on the charge state of ion. The higher charge state it was, the lower critical fluenceit would be.
Kr L X-ray and Au M X-ray emission for Kr13+ ions with energies of 1.5 MeV and 3.9 MeV impacting on an Au target are investigated at heavy ion research facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). The L-shell X-ray yield per ion of Kr is measured as a function of incident energy. In addition, Kr L X-ray production cross section is extracted from the yield and compared with the result obtained from the classical binary-encounter approximation (BEA) model. Furthermore, the intensity ratio of the Au M/33 to Ma1 X-ray is investigated as a function of incident energy.