An edge coloring total k-labeling is a labeling of the vertices and the edges of a graph G with labels {1,2,..., k} such that the weights of the edges define a proper edge coloring of G. Here the weight of an edge is the sum of its label and the labels of its two end vertices. This concept was introduce by Brandt et al. They defined Xt'(G) to be the smallest integer k for which G has an edge coloring total k-labeling and proposed a question: Is there a constant K with X^t(G) ≤△(G)+1/2 K for all graphs G of maximum degree A(G)? In this paper, we give a positive answer for outerplanar graphs ≤△(G)+1/2 by showing that X't(G) ≤△(G)+1/2 for each outerplanar graph G with maximum degree A(G).