We have investigated the anisotropic magnetocaloric effect and the rotating field magnetic entropy in Dy FeO3 single crystal. A giant rotating field entropy change of -ΔSM^R = 16.62 J/kg·K was achieved from b axis to c axis in bc plane at 5 K for a low field change of 20 k Oe. The large anisotropic magnetic entropy change is mainly accounted for the 4 f electron of rare-earth Dy^3+ ion. The large value of rotating field entropy change, together with large refrigeration capacity and negligible hysteresis, suggests that the multiferroic ferrite Dy FeO3 singlecrystal could be a potential material for anisotropic magnetic refrigeration at low field, which can be realized in the practical application around liquid helium temperature region.
Magnetocaloric effect (MCE) in polycrystalline HoMn205 was investigated by isothermal magnetization curves from 2 K to 50 K. A relatively large magnetic entropy change, ASM = 7.8 J/(kg·K), was achieved with the magnetic field up to 70 kOe (10e = 79.5775 A·m-1). The magnetic entropy change is reversible in the whole range of temperature. The contributions of elastic and magnetoelastic energy to the changing of the magnetic entropy are discussed in terms of the Landau theory. The reversibility of MCE with maximal refrigerant capacity Rc = 216.7 J/kg makes polycrystalline HoMn205 promising as a magnetic refrigerant.