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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
由于受射电望远镜分辨率的限制,观测视线方向上可能有多源重叠现象.观测目标源的法拉第旋率(rotation measure,RM)及偏振角(polarization angle,PA)的测量值就会受到方向束内其它背景射电源的影响.通过模拟研究发现,背景射电源对目标源偏振参量测量的干扰形式与干扰源的RM值有关.只运用两三个波长的偏振观测数据拟合所得的RM结果并不可靠.正确测量目标源RM需要对多波段Stokes参量Q和U的测量值进行拟合.
Multicolor photometric study of M31 globular clusters
We present the photometry of 30 globular clusters (GCs) and GC candidates in 15 intermediate-band filters covering the wavelength region from - 3000 to 10000A using the archival CCD images of M31 observed as part of the Beijing - Arizona - Taiwan - Connecticut (BATC) Multicolor Sky Survey. We transform these intermediate-band photometric data into the photometry in the standard U BV RI broadbands. These M31 GC candidates are selected from the Revised Bologna Catalog (RBC V.3.5), and most of these candidates do not have any photometric data. Therefore, the presented photometric data are a supplement to the RBC V.3.5. We find that 4 out of 61 GCs and GC candidates in RBC V.3.5 do not show any signal on the BATC images at their locations. By applying a linear fit of the distribution in the color-magnitude diagram of blue GCs and GC candidates using data from the RBC V.3.5, in this study, we find the "blue-tilt" of blue M31 GCs with a high confidence at 99.95% or 3.47cr for the confirmed GCs, and 〉 99.99% or 4.87e for GCs and GC candidates.
Zhou FanJun MaXu Zhou
Color gradients of spiral disks in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
We investigate the radial color gradients of galactic disks using a sample of - 20 000 face-on spiral galaxies selected from the fourth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-DR4). We combine galaxies with similar concentrations, sizes and luminosities to construct composite galaxies, and then measure their color profiles by stacking the azimuthally averaged radial color profiles of all the member galaxies. Except for the smallest galaxies (R50 〈 3 kpc), almost all galaxies show negative disk color gradients with mean 9 - r gradient Ggr = -0.006 magkpc-1 and r - z gradient Grz = -0.018 mag kpc^-1. The disk color gradients are independent of the morphological types of galaxies and strongly dependent on the disk surface brightness μd, with lower surface brightness galactic disks having steeper color gradients. We quantify the intrinsic correlation between color gradients and surface brightness as Ggr = -0.011μd + 0.233 and Grz - -0.015μd + 0.324. These quantified correlations provide tight observational constraints on the formation and evolution models of spiral galaxies.
Cheng-Ze LiuShi-Yin ShenZheng-Yi ShaoRui-Xiang ChangJin-Liang HouJun YinDa-Wei Yang
Multiwavelength study of low-luminosity 6.7-GHz methanol masers
We present results of 13CO(1-0),C18O(1-0),and HCO+(1-0) map observations and N2H+(1-0) single point observations directed towards a sample of nine low-luminosity 6.7-GHz masers.N2H + line emission has been detected from six out of nine sources,C18O line emission has been detected from eight out of nine sources,and HCO + and 13CO emission has been detected in all sources.In particular,a "blue profile" of the HCO + spectrum,a signature of inflow,is found towards one source.From integrated intensity emission maps,we identified 17 cores in the sample.Among them,nine cores are closely associated with low-luminosity methanol masers.For these cores,we derive the column densities,core sizes,masses and molecular abundances.Comparison of our results with similar molecular line surveys towards the southern sky methanol masers indicates that linewidths of our sample,including only the low-luminosity masers,are smaller than the sample that includes both lowand high-luminosity masers.For the maser associated cores,their gas masses have the same order of magnitude as their virial masses,indicating that these cores are gravitationally bound systems.In addition,we have found from our observations that the low-luminosity methanol masers tend to coexist with H2O masers and outflows rather than with OH masers.
Yuan-Wei Wu,Ye Xu and Ji Yang Purple Mountain Observatory,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China
基于SDSS-DR8及2MASS数据的疏散星团NGC 6791的基本性质研究被引量:1
利用斯隆数字巡天(SDSS)第8次释放数据(DR8)的恒星光谱数据及2MASS(Two Micro All Sky Survey)近红外点源测光数据研究著名的疏散星团NGC 6791,得到该星团的视向速度与金属丰度分别为V_r=-46.4±0.2 km·s^(-1)和[Fe/H]=0.32±0.11dex.利用星团中红团簇巨星作为理想"标准烛光",结合2MASS近红外点源测光数据计算了该星团的绝对距离模数为(m-M)_0=13.02±0.08 mag或4.02±0.15 kpc.与其他研究者给出的结果进行了比较,金属丰度、视向速度及绝对距离模数都符合得比较好.主要结论有3点:(1)NGC 6791是个极度富金属的星团;(2)在SDSS的光谱分辨能力以内,分离出的87颗团星之间不存在明显的金属丰度差异;(3)得到的距离模数对年龄、金属丰度及尘埃消光不敏感,是一种可靠的间接测量.
Metal abundance and kinematical properties of the M81 globular cluster system
We present metal abundance properties of 144 globular clusters associated with M81. These globulars represent the largest globular cluster sample in M81 till now. Our main results are: the distribution of metallicities is bimodal, with metallicity peaks at [Fe/H] -1.51 and -0.58, and the metal-poor globular clusters tend to be less spatially concentrated than the metal-rich ones; the metal-rich globular clusters in M81 do not demonstrate a centrally concentrated spatial distribution like the metalrich ones in M31 do; like our Galaxy and M31, the globular clusters in M81 have a small radial metallicity gradient. These results are consistent with those obtained from a small sample of M81 globular clusters. In addition, this paper shows that there is evidence that a strong rotation of the M81 globular cluster system around the minor axis exists, and that rotation is present in the metal-rich globular cluster subsample, but the metal-poor globular cluster subsample shows no evidence of rotation. The most significant difference between the rotation of the metal-rich and metal-poor globular clusters occurs at intermediate projected galactocentric radii. Our results confirm the conclusion of Schroder et al. that M81's metal-rich globular clusters at intermediate projected radii are associated with a thick disk of M81.
Jun MaZhen-Yu WuTian-Meng ZhangSong WangZhou FanJiang-Hua WuHu ZouCui-Hua DuXu ZhouQi-Rong Yuan
Chemical abundance analysis of 19 barium stars被引量:1
We aim at deriving accurate atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances of 19 barium(Ba) stars, including both strong and mild Ba stars, based on the high signal-to-noise ratio and high resolution Echelle spectra obtained from the 2.16 m telescope at Xinglong station of National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The chemical abundances of the sample stars were obtained from an LTE, plane-parallel and line-blanketed atmospheric model by inputting the atmospheric parameters(effective temperatures Teff, surface gravities log g, metallicity [Fe/H] and microturbulence velocity ξt) and equivalent widths of stellar absorption lines. These samples of Ba stars are giants as indicated by atmospheric parameters, metallicities and kinematic analysis about UVW velocity. Chemical abundances of 17 elements were obtained for these Ba stars. Their Na, Al, α- and iron-peak elements(O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca,Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Ni) are similar to the solar abundances. Our samples of Ba stars show obvious overabundances of neutron-capture(n-capture) process elements relative to the Sun. Their median abundances of[Ba/Fe], [La/Fe] and [Eu/Fe] are 0.54, 0.65 and 0.40, respectively. The Y I and Zr I abundances are lower than Ba, La and Eu, but higher than the α- and iron-peak elements for the strong Ba stars and similar to the iron-peak elements for the mild stars. There exists a positive correlation between Ba intensity and [Ba/Fe].For the n-capture elements(Y, Zr, Ba, La), there is an anti-correlation between their [X/Fe] and [Fe/H]. We identify nine of our sample stars as strong Ba stars with [Ba/Fe]〉0.6 where seven of them have Ba intensity Ba=2-5, one has Ba=1.5 and another one has Ba=1.0. The remaining ten stars are classified as mild Ba stars with 0.17〈[Ba/Fe]〈0.54.
Guo-Chao YangYan-Chun LiangMonique SpiteYu-Qin ChenGang ZhaoBo ZhangGuo-Qing LiuYu-Juan LiuNian LiuLi-Cai DengFrancois SpiteVanessa HillCai-Xia Zhang
C_2H, HC_3N and HNC observations in OMC-2/3
For the first time, the OMC-2/3 region was mapped in C2H (1–0), HC3N (10–9) and HNC (1–0) lines. In general, the emissions from all the three molecular species reveal an extended filamentary structure. The distribution of C2H cores almost follows that of the 1300μm condensations, which might suggest that C2H is a good tracer to study the core structure of molecular clouds. The core masses traced by HNC are rather ?at, ranging from 18.8 to 49.5 M , while also presenting a large span for those from C2H, ranging from 6.4 to 36.0 M . The line widths of both HNC and C2H look very similar, and both are wider than that of HC3N. The line widths of the three lines are all wider than those from dark clouds, implying that the former is more active than the latter, and has larger turbulence caused by winds and UV radiation from the surrounding massive stars.
Qiang LiuJi YangYan SunYe Xu
2MASS photometry and age estimation of the globular clusters in the outer halo of M31
We present the first photometric results in J, H and Ks from 2MASS (Two Micron All Sky Survey) imaging of 10 classical globular clusters (GCs) in the far outer regions of M31. Combined with the V and I photometric data from previous literature, we constructed a color-color diagram between J - Ks and V - Ⅰ. By comparing the integrated photometric measurements with evolutionary models, we estimate the ages of these clusters. The results showed that all of these clusters are older than 3 × 109 yr, and among them four are older than 10 Gyr and the other six have intermediate ages between 3 - 8 Gyr. The masses for these outer-halo GCs are from 7.0 × 104 M to 1.02 × 10^6 M. We argued that GC2 and GC3, whose ages, metallicities and distance moduli are almost the same, were accreted from the same satellite galaxy, if they did not form in situ. The statistical results show that the ages and metallicities of these 10 M31 outer-halo GCs do not vary with projected radial position, and a relationship between age and metallicity does not exist.
Jun Ma 1,21 National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100012,China 2 Key Laboratory of Optical Astronomy,National Astronomical Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100012,China