针对传输函数求解船载投弃式仪器信道分布参数模型误差较大的问题,提出了一种求解其数据传输信道时频响应的方法.时域响应采用时域有限差分(Finite Difference Time Domain,FDTD)法,求得信道上任意位置的时域响应,频域响应采用BLT(Baum-Liu-Tesche)方程结合电磁拓扑理论,对信道的关键节点进行频域分析.最后测试了信道的时频域波形,并与理论仿真结果进行对比,结果表明:在仪器的工作频率内,理论仿真与试验结果一致,为进一步地研究终端电路的设计及传输方案的改进提供了理论基础.
XCTD, as one of the most important instruments for the deep sea exploration, is an important device for deep-sea hydrological data acquisition. But some difficult technical problems of traditional metal enameled wire channel have become the major bottleneck for XCTD development. Aiming at this problem, this paper puts forward with using single-mode fiber as the transmission channel of XCTD. Firstly, this paper makes a brief analysis on the problems of using enameled wire as transmission channel faces. Secondly, it analyzes the advantages of the single mode fiber technology. Finally, it makes theoretical research and experimental verification of the influence of seawater temperature change on the optical fiber transmission channel. The experimentat results show that the error rate at the transmission rate of 10 MB/S is 0, and the loss can be negligible when the single-mode fiber channel is used in the sea water and the seawater temperature changes from 0 to 20℃. This method will greatly increase the rate of signal transmission and the transmission stability. And this paper shows that using the single-mode fiber as the transmission channel of XCTD has certain feasibility.