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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
落基山脉作为北美最大的内陆山地,其山体效应对林线分布具有很大影响,导致林线海拔远高于周围内陆山体及其他海岸山地。然而,以往落基山脉山体效应研究多集中于定性研究,但是山体效应如何量化,如何根据落基山脉的地形气候条件构建区域山体效应的定量化模型,目前鲜有研究。通过分析台站处山体增温及量化落基山脉山体效应的影响因子,并计算最热月均温10℃等温线的海拔高度,来定量化地估算科罗拉多落基山脉山体效应值大小及其对林线分布的影响。结果表明:(1)用山体增温值表示山体效应大小是合理且比较理想的指标。科罗拉多落基山脉增温显著,所有台站的增温均值为2.07℃,增温幅度为0.78~4.29℃。(2)科罗拉多落基山脉山体效应的主要影响因素为山体基面高度和降水大陆度,二者与山体增温构建的线性拟合模型具有较高的解释能力,判定系数高达71.2%。(3)科罗拉多落基山脉不同纬度带山体内外最热月10℃等温线分布高度对比表明,山体内部理想林线高度均高于山体外部的理想林线分布,内外分布差异为400~700 m。定量分析科罗拉多落基山脉的山体效应模型,优化了区域尺度的山体效应模型精度,有助于深入认识山体效应及其对垂直带分布的影响。
A topographical model for precipitation pattern in the Tibetan Plateau被引量:2
As the highest and most extensive plateau on earth, the Tibetan Plateau has strong thermo- dynamic effect, which not only affects regional climate around the plateau but precipitation patterns of scattered meteorological also temperature and itself. However, due to stations, its spatial precipitation pattern and, especially, the mechanism behind are poorly understood. The availability of spatially consistent satellite-derived precipitation data makes it possible to get accurate precipitation pattern in the plateau, which could help quantitatively explore the effect and mechanism of mass elevation effect on precipitation pattern. This paper made full use of TMPA 3B43 V7 monthly precipitation data to track the trajectory of precipitation and identified four routes (east, southeast, south, west directions) along which moisture-laden air masses move into the plateau. We made the assumption that precipitation pattern is the result interplay of these four moisture- laden air masses transportation routes against the distances from moisture sources and the topographic barriers along the routes. To do so, we developed a multivariate linear regression model with the spatial distribution of annual mean precipitation as the dependent variable and the topographical barriers to these four moisture sources as independent variables. The result shows that our model could explain about 7o% of spatial variation of mean annual precipitation pattern in the plateau; the regression analysis also shows that the southeast moisture source (the Bay of Bengal) contributes the most (32.56%) to the rainfall pattern of the plateau; the east and the south sources have nearly the same contribution, 23.59% and 23.48%, respectively; while the west source contributes the least, only 2o.37%. The findings of this study can greatly improve our understanding of mass elevation effect on spatial precipitation pattern.
QI Wen-wenZHANG Bai-pingYAO Yong-huiZHAO FangZHANG ShuoHE Wen-hui
Regional-scale Identification of Three-dimensional Pattern of Vegetation Landscapes被引量:1
The altitudinal pattern of vegetation is usually identified by field surveys,however,these can only provide discrete data on a local mountain.Few studies identifying and analyzing the altitudinal vegetation pattern on a regional scale are available.This study selected central Inner Mongolia as the study area,presented a method for extracting vegetation patterns in altitudinal and horizontal directions.The data included a vegetation map at a 1∶1 000 000 scale and a digital elevation model at a 1∶250 000 scale.The three-dimensional vegetation pattern indicated the distribution probability for each vegetation type and the transition zones between different vegetation landscapes.From low to high elevations,there were five vegetation types in the southern mountain flanks,including the montane steppe,broad-leaved forest,coniferous mixed forest,montane dwarf-scrub and sub-alpine shrub-meadow.Correspondingly,only four vegetation types were found in the northern flanks,except for the montane steppe.This study could provide a general model for understanding the complexity and diversity of mountain environment and landscape.
SUN RanhaoZHANG BaipingCHEN Liding
Omni-Directional Distribution Patterns of Montane Coniferous Forest in the Helan Mountains of China被引量:5
Slope aspect has significant effect on the development and distribution of montane forest, especially in arid and semiarid regions. This paper, using SPOT5 images and 1:5o,ooo DEM, digitally extracts and analyzes the spatial information of montane coniferous forest (mainly Qinghai spruce), and thereby explores how the upper and lower limits and the altitudinal range of coniferous forest vary and how the area of coniferous forest is related with annual insolation with all aspects in the Helan Mountains. The results show that: 1) In the eastern flank, the lower limit of coniferous forest is between 1,6oo m and a,ooo m a.s.l., and the upper limit between 2,800 m and 3,ooo m a.s.1.; in the western flank, the lower limit of coniferous forest is between a,ooo m and 2,300 m a.s.l., and the upper limit between 9,80o m and 3,1oo m a.s.1.2) The altitudinal ranges of coniferous forest are 8o6-1,435 m, 438-1,14o m for eastern flank and western flank, respectively. 3) The area of coniferous forest takes on a normal distribution with aspect, and it has a close relationship with annual insolation. This distribution model developed in this paper quantitatively reveals the significant effect of slope aspect on the distribution of coniferous forest in arid and semi-arid land.
PANG YuZHANG Bai-pingZHAO FangYAO Yong-huiZHANG ShuoQI Wen-wen
山体效应使山体内部的垂直植被带相对升高,影响山地的立体生态格局。台湾岛中央山脉在3 500 m以上,山地植被的分布高度不仅受到纬度和季风的影响,也必然受到山体效应的影响。采用台湾生物多样性信息中心发布的数据,利用多元线性回归模型分析纬度、山体效应(以山体基面高度为简单量化指标)以及季风(以冬雨量占全年降水量百分比为简明代表)对台湾常绿阔叶林分布上限的影响。结果表明,纬度、山体效应和季风为自变量的线性回归模型R2为0.562,回归方程显著,具有统计学意义,三个变量的贡献率分别为26.32%、64.12%与9.56%。这表明山体效应对台湾山地垂直带的影响非常显著,远远超过了纬度与季风的作用。同时还发现,冬雨量与垂直带分布高度的相关性以24.13°N为界,南北完全相反。该纬度以南,冬雨量与垂直带分布高度呈现较强的正相关性;而在以北,正相关性显著下降甚至出现了一定的负相关。后者应该与冬雨量过多有密切关系。
Magnitude and Forming Factors of Mass Elevation Effect on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau被引量:2
Mass elevation effect (MEE) refers to the thermal effect of huge mountains or plateaus, which causes the tendency for tem- perature-related montane landscape limits to occur at higher elevations in the inner massifs than on their outer margins. MEE has been widely identified in all large mountains, but how it could be measured and what its main forming-factors are still remain open. This paper, supposing that the local mountain base elevation (MBE) is the main factor of MEE, takes the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) as the study area, defines MEE as the temperature difference (AT) between the inner and outer parts of mountain massifs, identifies the main forming factors, and analyzes their contributions to MEE. A total of 73 mountain bases were identified, ranging from 708 m to 5081 m and increasing from the edges to the central parts of the plateau. Climate data (1981-2010) from 134 meteorological stations were used to acquire ATby comparing near-surface air temperature on the main plateau with the free-air temperature at the same altitude and simi- lar latitude outside of the plateau. The AT for the warmest month is averagely 6.15 ~C, over 12~C at Lhatse and Baxoi. A multivariate linear regression model was developed to simulate MEE based on three variables (latitude, annual mean precipitation and MBE), which are all significantly correlated to AT. The model could explain 67.3% of MEE variation, and the contribution rates of three independent variables to MEE are 35.29%, 22.69% and 42.02%, respectively. This confirms that MBE is the main factor of MEE. The intensive MEE of the QTP pushes the 10~C isotherm of the warmest month mean temperature 1300-2000 m higher in the main plateau than in the outer regions, leading the occurrence of the highest timberline (4900 m) and the highest snowline (6200 m) of the Northern Hemisphere in the southeast and southwest of the plateau, respectively.
ZHANG ShuoZHANG BaipingYAO YonghuiZHAO FangQI WenwenHE WenhuiWANG Jing
坡向对山地森林的空间分布有重要影响,在干旱区尤其如此。天山山地处于西北干旱区,其山地森林的研究过去多集中在南北翼森林的简单对比,而在更详细的中小尺度上,森林沿坡向梯度的连续变化缺乏定量化的分析。以天山北翼中段为研究区,利用1∶5万DEM和SPOT5遥感图像解译,分析山地森林上下限和面积在全坡向的变化规律。结果表明:1.研究区内97.4%的森林分布在海拔1 600-2 690 m;2.森林上限分布在2 691-2 790m,最高值出现在东坡,最低值出现在西南坡,森林上限随坡向变化不明显;森林下限分布在1 371-1 600 m,最高值出现在西南坡,最低值出现在南坡,森林下限的分布和河谷密切相关;3.森林分布面积在北坡最大,阳坡分布面积非常小,在全坡向范围内呈现“U”型分布,西坡森林面积略大于东坡;但在森林分布的上部(〉2 700 m)及下部(〈1 600 m),森林面积东坡略高于西坡。
山体基面高度的差异影响山体自身对其水热条件的再分配,进而影响山地垂直带谱的结构和分布,是决定垂直带分布高度的重要因子之一。目前,山体基面高度还没有一个准确科学的定义,也缺乏一个有效的数字化、定量化提取方法。本文以台湾岛为例,使用30m分辨率的ASTER GDEM数据,提出了一种提取山体基面高度的方法。首先,以地形特征与水文特征提取方法获得主山脊线与主山谷线,然后,以地形地貌单元自动提取方法获得山体轮廓界线,再依据提取出的主山脊线、山体轮廓界线及主山谷线,划分山体基面高度分区,依据山体基面分布特征确定各分区的基面高度值,将台湾山地划分出6个不同的山体基面高度(0m、150m、200m、600m、630m和650m)。该方法为大范围山体基面高度的快速、准确提取,以及山体效应定量化研究提供了重要的技术支撑。