In this letter,we use quantum description and the Gaussian state to study reflective ghost imaging with two classical sources,and to provide their expressions.We find that the reflective ghost imaging of a roughsurfaced object,using Gaussian-state phase-insensitive or classically correlated phase-sensitive light,can be expressed in terms of the phase-insensitive or phase-sensitive cross-correlations between the two detected fields,including a background term.Moreover,reflective ghost imaging with two classical Gaussian-state lights is shown to have similar features as spatial resolution and field of view.
We study the dynamics of two entangled atoms interacting with a common structured reservoir. By means of the exact solution of atomic dynamics, we show a novel quantum interference controlled by the relative phase of initial entangled state of the atoms. The quantum interference has a great influence on trapped excited-state population and stationary entanglement of the atoms. In particular, we construct an explicit condition under which atomic stationary entanglement can grow over their initial value.
We analyze entanglement dynamics and transfer in a system composed of two initially correlated two-level atoms, in which each atom is coupled with another atom interacting with its own reservoir. Considering atomic dipole-dipole interactions, the results show that dipole-dipole interactions restrain the entanglement birth of the reservoirs, and a parametric region of dipole-dipole interaction strength exists in which the maximal entanglement of two initially uncorrelated atoms is reduced. The transfer of entanglement shows obvious different behaviors in two initial Bell-like states.
Using the pseudomode method, we theoretically analyze the creation of quantum correlations between two two-level dipole-dipole interacting atoms coupled with a common structured reservoir with different coupling strengths. Considering certain classes of initial separable-mixed states, we demonstrate that the sudden birth of atomic entanglement as well as the generation of stationary quantum correlations occur. Our results also suggest a possible way to control the occurrence time of entanglement sudden birth and the stationary value of quantum correlations by modifying the initial conditions of states, the dipole-dipole interaction, and the relative coupling strength. These results are helpful for the experimental engineering of entanglement and quantum correlations.