基于美国Global Land Cover Facility(GLCF)的2004.3 Arc Second SRTM Elevation全球90m精度的DEM数据源,采用作者开发的DEM凹陷区域识别与处理、河网自动生成与流域划分软件,提取了四川省唐家山堰塞湖所在涪江通口河流域河网相关信息。采用具有高分辨率及高稳定性能格式精度的二维水动力学模型,将两种估算的唐家山堰塞湖溃决流量过程作为输入,估算了唐家山堰塞湖以下涪江通口河流域的洪水过程与低洼地的洪水淹没过程。结果表明,从公开的高分辨率全球DEM数据自动提取指定流域信息,采用二维水动力学模型模拟流域尺度突发洪水淹没过程的模型系统,可以快速、便捷地模拟不同流域的洪水演进过程,可为国家的洪水灾害防治分析提供实用和可靠的技术工具和手段。
中国鸡形目鸟类分布数据库(The Site Record Database for Chinese Galliformes,SRDG)是以中国鸡形目鸟类分布点的有关信息为数据源的综合性资源数据库,于1996年初步建立,2005~2006年进行了更新维护和完善,由中国鸡形目鸟类物种代码库(WZDM)、中国鸡形目鸟类分布状况库(FBZK)和信息来源库(XXLY)三部分构成,包括中国鸡形目全部63个种的5859条分布信息和1027条相关文献记录。本数据库操作简单,各库之间通过共有字段相链接,具有信息查询、修改和维护等功能。本数据库的物种信息有助于加深对我国鸡形目鸟类资源的了解,可为中国鸡形目鸟类的研究和保护提供翔实的基础数据。在数据库基础上,可以进行有关我国鸡形目鸟类分布状况的分析,如鸡形目鸟类地理区划研究、分布区与占有面积的比较、物种濒危状况评估以及热点地区分析和GAP分析等。
The Sichuan Hill Partridge (Arborophila rufipectus ) requires successional broadleaf forest and their populations have declined as a result of fragmentation of endemic bird areas in subtropical forest in the mountains of southwestern China. In this paper, habitat utilization of the Sichuan Hill Partridge was studied in replanted broadleaf forests, in Laojunshan Nature Reserve of Sichuan, to determine the importance of habitat features, during the non-breeding period from November to December 2005. The Sichuan Hill Partridge utilized habitats within elevations of 1 000 to 1 600 m and with a south-facing slope of two to 15 degrees, close to road and forest edges. The birds preferred sites with smaller bamboo density, lower bamboo cover and snow cover and shrub cover was greater at used sites than at random sites. Principal components analysis indicated that food on the ground layer, topographic condition, concealment and temperature were the first four components of bird habitat selection, and the load of the first component was 29.407%. The findings indicated that the Sichuan Hill Partridge might face the well-documented trade-off between food resource and predation risk when utilizing habitat. We suggest that the conservation and restoration of successional broadleaf forest habitats will benefit the Sichuan Hill Partridge.