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7 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
Quantitative assessment of the surface crack density in thermal barrier coatings被引量:5
In this paper, a modified shear-lag model is developed to calculate the surface crack density in thermal barrier coatings(TBCs). The mechanical properties of TBCs are also measured to quantitatively assess their surface crack density. Acoustic emission(AE) and digital image correlation methods are applied to monitor the surface cracking in TBCs under tensile loading. The results show that the calculated surface crack density from the modified model is in agreement with that obtained from experiments. The surface cracking process of TBCs can be discriminated by their AE characteristics and strain evolution. Based on the correlation of energy released from cracking and its corresponding AE signals, a linear relationship is built up between the surface crack density and AE parameters, with the slope being dependent on the mechanical properties of TBCs.
Li YangZhi-Chun ZhongYi-Chun ZhouChun-Sheng Lu
Reliability assessment on interfacial failure of thermal barrier coatings被引量:4
Thermal barrier coatings(TBCs) usually exhibit an uncertain lifetime owing to their scattering mechanical properties and severe service conditions. To consider these uncertainties, a reliability assessment method is proposed based on failure probability analysis. First, a limit state equation is established to demarcate the boundary between failure and safe regions, and then the failure probability is calculated by the integration of a probability density function in the failure area according to the first- or second-order moment.It is shown that the parameters related to interfacial failure follow a Weibull distribution in two types of TBC. The interfacial failure of TBCs is significantly affected by the thermal mismatch of material properties and the temperature drop in service.
Jin-Wei GuoLi YangYi-Chun ZhouLi-Min HeWang ZhuCan-Ying CaiChun-Sheng Lu
提高涡轮发动机进口温度是提升航空发动机推重比和热效率的主要手段,但当今先进航空发动机的进口温度已经远远超过了现有涡轮叶片材料的极限温度,发展冷却技术和热障涂层技术成为解决这一问题的关键.在热失配应力下热障涂层界面易出现裂纹的萌生和扩展,会直接导致热障涂层的失效,进而威胁到整个发动机的性能,因此,模拟热障涂层真实服役环境下的温度场和应力场分布,对于预测热障涂层的隔热效率和剥落位置极其重要.该文基于流固耦合的方法,运用商业软件ANASYS CFX模拟了带TBCs的三维涡轮叶片的温度场,并进一步计算了热障涂层的热应力.结果发现热障涂层在叶片前缘和压力面区域有更好的隔热性能,热障涂层在叶根和气膜孔处有更大的应力,是热障涂层剥落的危险区域.
Acoustic emission assessment of interface cracking in thermal barrier coatings被引量:6
In this paper,acoustic emission(AE) and digital image correlation methods were applied to monitor interface cracking in thermal barrier coatings under compression.The interface failure process can be identifie via its AE features,including buckling,delamination incubation and spallation.According to the Fourier transformation of AE signals,there arefourdifferentfailuremodes:surfaceverticalcracks,opening and sliding interface cracks,and substrate deformation.The characteristic frequency of AE signals from surface vertical cracks is 0.21 MHz,whilst that of the two types of interface cracks are 0.43 and 0.29 MHz,respectively.The energy released of the two types of interface cracks are 0.43 and 0.29 MHz,respectively.Based on the energy released from cracking and the AE signals,a relationship is established between the interface crack length and AE parameters,which is in good agreement with experimental results.
Li YangZhi-Chun ZhongYi-Chun ZhouWang ZhuZhi-Biao ZhangCan-Ying CaiChun-Sheng Lu
Finite Element Simulation on Thermal Fatigue of a Turbine Blade with Thermal Barrier Coatings被引量:16
In this paper, a finite element model was developed for a turbine blade with thermal barrier coatings to investigate its failure behavior under cyclic thermal loading. Based on temperature and stress fields obtained from finite element simulations, dangerous regions in ceramic coating were determined in terms of the maximum principal stress criterion. The results show that damage preferentially occurs in the chamfer and rabbet of a turbine blade with thermal barrier coatings and its thermal fatigue life decreases with the increase of thermal stress induced by high service temperature.
Numerical Simulation of Temperature Distribution and ThermalStress Field in a Turbine Blade with Multilayer-Structure TBCs by a Fluid–Solid Coupling Method被引量:16
To study the temperature distribution and thermal-stress field in different service stages, a two-dimensional model of a turbine blade with thermal barrier coatings is developed, in which the conjugate heat transfer analysis and the decoupled thermal-stress calculation method are adopted. Based on the simulation results, it is found that a non-uniform distribution of temperature appears in different positions of the blade surface, which has directly impacted on stress field. The maximum temperature with a value of 1030 ℃ occurs at the leading edge. During the steady stage, the maximum stress of thermally grown oxide (TGO) appears in the middle of the suction side, reaching 3.75 GPa. At the end stage of cooling, the maximum compressive stress of TGO with a value of-3.5 GPa occurs at the leading edge. Thus, it can be predicted that during the steady stage the dangerous regions may locate at the suction side, while the leadine edge mav be more Drone to failure on cooling.