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  • 2篇4H-SIC
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  • 1篇SIO2/S...
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  • 1篇2016
  • 2篇2014
3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
Improved adhesion and interface ohmic contact on n-type 4H-SiC substrate by using Ni/Ti/Ni
The Ni/Ti/Ni multilayer ohmic contact properties on a 4H-SiC substrate and improved adhesion with the Ti/Au overlayer have been investigated. The best specific contact resistivity of 3.16 × 10^-5 Ω.cm^2 was obtained at 1050 ℃. Compared with Ni/SiC ohmic contact, the adhesion between Ni/Ti/Ni/SiC and the Ti/Au overlayer was greatly improved and the physical mechanism under this behavior was analyzed by using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) measurement. It is shown that a Ti-carbide and Ni-silicide compound exist at the surface and there is no graphitic carbon at the surface of the Ni/Ti/Ni structure by Raman spectroscopy, while a large amount of graphitic carbon appears at the surface of the Ni/SiC structure, which results in its bad adhesion. Moreover, the interface of the Ni/Ti/Ni/SiC is improved compared to the interface of Ni/SiC.
Characterization of the effects of nitrogen and hydrogen passivation on SiO2/4H-SiC interface by low temperature conductance measurements被引量:2
We investigate the effects of NO annealing and forming gas (FG) annealing on the electrical properties of a SiO2/SiC interface by low-temperature conductance measurements. With nitrogen passivation, the density of interface states (DIT) is significantly reduced in the entire energy range, and the shift of flatband voltage, AVFB, is effectively suppressed to less than 0.4 V. However, very fast states are observed after NO annealing and the response frequencies are higher than 1 MHz at room temperature. After additional FG annealing, the DIT and AVFB are further reduced. The values of the DIT decrease to less than 1011 cm-2 eV- 1 for the energy range of Ec - ET 〉/0.4 eV. It is suggested that the fast states in shallow energy levels originated from the N atoms accumulating at the interface by NO annealing. Though FG annealing has a limited effect on these shallow traps, hydrogen can terminate the residual Si and C dangling bonds corresponding to traps at deep energy levels and improve the interface quality further. It is indicated that NO annealing in conjunction with FG annealing will be a better post-oxidation process method for high performance SiC MOSFETs.
Annealing temperature influence on the degree of inhomogeneity of the Schottky barrier in Ti/4H–SiC contacts被引量:2
Tung's model was used to analyze anomalies observed in Ti/Si C Schottky contacts. The degree of the inhomogeneous Schottky barrier after annealing at different temperatures is characterized by the ‘T0anomaly' and the difference(△Φ)between the uniformly high barrier height(Φ0B) and the effective barrier height(Φeff B). Those two parameters of Ti Schottky contacts on 4H–Si C were deduced from I–V measurements in the temperature range of 298 K–503 K. The increase in Schottky barrier(SB) height(ΦB) and decrease in the ideality factor(n) with an increase measurement temperature indicate the presence of an inhomogeneous SB. The degree of inhomogeneity of the Schottky barrier depends on the annealing temperature, and it is at its lowest for 500-°C thermal treatment. The degree of inhomogeneity of the SB could reveal effects of thermal treatments on Schottky contacts in other aspects.