在缜密论述了人地关系中人性时空场基本概念和特征的基础上,从人性时空场意识流与人地关系的相互作用的角度认知了人性时空场的科学哲学内涵。最后分析了人性时空场意识流的随机变化特点之表达。提出:随着行为地理学研究深入,人性时空场意识流将成为它新的研究对象;与此同时,本文首次导出潜意识地理学(Potential Sense Geography)的学科概念,认为潜意识地理学会弥补行为地理学的不足,它将发挥人文关怀的当代学科优势,继而为人性的完善和人的可持续发展及人地关系的根本和谐作出贡献。
潜意识地理学是继行为地理学之后的一门全新学科,它弥补了传统行为地理学的不足,从根本意义发挥了人文关怀的当代学科优势,继而为人性的完善和人的可持续发展及人地关系的根本和谐作出贡献。文章在深入研究潜意识地理学这一新学科的核心理论、研究对象、研究方法的基础上,指出了其理论和实践意义及其学科功能。“人地关系中人性的完善、人的可持续发展、人性时空场”等是地理学的前沿性学术领域,运用爱因斯坦的相对论(Relativity)、人地全息统一论和人境合一论解释了人性时空场(the space-time field of humanity)、人性意识场的表达和意义。
As the Central Place Theory indicates, the centricity of a central city can influence the extension of its ser- vice. Since the service industry in the theory is mostly consumer services, it is worth studying the relationship between the producer services and the centricity of the city in the service society with producer services becoming a more im- portant part of the service industry. The paper takes the case of the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta (PRD), a developed region in China, to study the relationship between the developing level of producer services and the urban hierarchy. Based on the analysis about the spatial difference of the producer services in the nine cities of the PRD, and the divi- sion of the nine cities according to some economic indices, it is shown that there is a correlation between the develop- ing level of producer services and the urban hierarchy. Furthermore, two deductions about the future status of the pro- ducer services in the city and the location of the producer services in a large region can be made from this correlation between the developing level of producer services and the urban hierarchy.