Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)/heavy metals/fluorine(F) mixed-contaminated sites caused by abandoned metallurgic plants are receiving wide attention. To address the associated environmental problems,this study was initiated to investigate the feasibility of using carboxymethyl-β-cyclodextrin(CMCD) and carboxymethyl chitosan(CMC) solution to enhance ex situ soil washing for extracting mixed contaminants. Further,Tenax extraction method was combined with a first-three-compartment model to evaluate the environmental risk of residual PAHs in washed soil. In addition,the redistribution of heavy metals/F after decontamination was also estimated using a sequential extraction procedure. Three successive washing cycles using50 g/L CMCD and 5 g/L CMC solution were effective to remove 94.3% of total PAHs,93.2% of Pb,85.8% of Cd,93.4% of Cr,83.2% of Ni and 97.3% of F simultaneously. After the 3rd washing,the residual PAHs mainly existed as very slowly desorbing fractions,which were in the form of well-aged,well-sequestered compounds; while the remaining Pb,Cd,Cr,Ni and F mainly existed as Fe–Mn oxide and residual fractions,which were always present in stable mineral forms or bound to non-labile soil fractions. Therefore,this combined cleanup strategy proved to be effective and environmentally friendly.
Rapeseed cake (RC), the residue of rapeseed oil extraction, is effective for improving tea (Camellia sinensis) quality, especially taste and aroma, but it has limited ability to ameliorate strongly acidic soil. In order to improve the liming potential of RC, alkaline slag (AS), the by-product of recovery of sodium carbonate, was incorporated. Combined effects of different levels of RC and AS on ameliorating acidic soil from a tea garden were investigated. Laboratory incubations showed that combined use of AS and RC was an effective method to reduce soil exchangeable acidity and A1 saturation and increase base saturation, but not necessarily for soil pH adjustment. The release of alkalinity from the combined amendments and the mineralization of organic nitrogen increased soil pH initially, but then soil pH decreased due to nitrifications. Various degrees of nitrification were correlated with the interaction of different Ca levels, pH and N contents. When RC was applied at low levels, high Ca levels from AS repressed soil nitrification, resulting in smaller pH fluctuations. In contrast, high AS stimulated soil nitrification, when RC was applied at high levels, and resulted in a large pH decrease. Based on the optimum pH for tea production and quality, high ratios of AS to RC were indicated for soil acidity amelioration, and 8.0 g kg-1 and less than 2.5 g kg-1 were indicated for AS and RC, respectively. Further, field studies are needed to investigate the variables of combined amendments.
Inoculating soil with an adapted microbial community is a more effective bioaugmentation approach than inoculation with pure strains in bioremediation.However,information on the potential of different inocula from sites with varying contamination levels and pollution histories in soil remediation is lacking.The objective of the study was to investigate the potential of adapted microorganisms in soil inocula,with different contamination levels and pollution histories,to degrade 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-TCB).Three different soils from chlorobenzene-contaminated sites were inoculated into agricultural soils and soil suspension cultures spiked with 1,2,4-TCB.The results showed that 36.52% of the initially applied 1,2,4-TCB was present in the non-inoculated soil,whereas about 19.00% of 1,2,4-TCB was present in the agricultural soils inoculated with contaminated soils after 28 days of incubation.The soils inoculated with adapted microbial biomass (in the soil inocula) showed higher respiration and lower 1,2,4-TCB volatilization than the non-inoculated soils,suggesting the existence of 1,2,4-TCB adapted degraders in the contaminated soils used for inoculation.It was further confirmed in the contaminated soil suspension cultures that the concentration of inorganic chloride ions increased continuously over the entire experimental period.Higher contamination of the inocula led not only to higher degradation potential but also to higher residue formation.However,even inocula of low-level contamination were effective in enhancing the degradation of 1,2,4-TCB.Therefore,applying adapted microorganisms in the form of soil inocula,especially with lower contamination levels,could be an effective and environment-friendly strategy for soil remediation.