ASME 2001 DETC会议的全称为2001International Design Engineering Technical Confe-rences and Computers and Information inEngineering Conference。它是由ASME(美国机械工程师学会)举办,ASME的设计分会(DesignDivision)和计算机分会(Computer Division)承办的系列国际会议群,每年在美国境内举办一次(一般在9或10月份)。但2002年的会议将首次在美国以外的国家举行。
Because uncertainty factors inevitably exist under multidisciplinary designenvironment, a hierarchical multidisciplinary robust optimization design based on response surfaceis proposed. The method constructs optimization model of subsystem level and system level tocoordinate the coupling among subsystems, and also the response surface based on the artificialneural network is introduced to provide information for system level optimization tool to maintainthe independence of subsystems, i.e. to realize multidisciplinary parallel design. The applicationcase of electrical packaging demonstrates that reasonable robust optimum solution can be yielded andit is a potential and efficient multi-disciplinary robust optimization approach.