讨论了在一类结构三角网上数值求解二维热传导方程的两类有限差分三层交替方法:带状交替(ABd:Alternating Band)方法和带状交替显-隐式(ABdE_I:Alternating Band Explicit_Implicit)方法.这两类方法不仅具有明显的并行性和良好的计算精度,而且理论分析表明它们都绝对稳定.
Consider the diffraction of a time-harmonic wave incident upon a periodic chiral structure. The diffraction problem may be simplified to a two-dimensional one. In this paper, the diffraction problem is solved by a finite element method with perfectly matched absorbing layers (PMLs). We use the PML technique to truncate the unbounded domain to a bounded one which attenuates the outgoing waves in the PML region. Our computational experiments indicate that the proposed method with complicated chiral grating structures. is efficient, which is capable of dealing
In this paper, we consider the electromagnetic scattering from periodic chiral structures. The structure is periodic in one direction and invariant in another direction. The electromagnetic fields in the chiral medium are governed by the Maxwell equations together with the Drude-Born-Fedorov equations. We simplify the problem to a two-dimensional scattering problem and we show that for all but possibly a discrete set of wave numbers, there is a unique quasi-periodic weak solution to the diffraction problem. The diffraction problem can be solved by finite element method. We also establish uniform error estimates for the finite element method and the error estimates when the truncation of the nonlocal transparent boundary operators takes place.