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31 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
线粒体作为重要的细胞器,在植物进化适应过程中起着不可忽视的作用。抗旱耐寒常绿阔叶灌木沙冬青主要分布在我国西北荒漠地区,是第三纪孑遗植物,研究该植物线粒体基因组与长期进化适应的关系具有重要意义。然而,用常规的方法难以分离纯化获得沙冬青线粒体基因组DNA,限制了沙冬青线粒体功能基因组研究。该研究利用不连续蔗糖梯度密度离心和DNase I消化技术,成功获得了高纯度沙冬青线粒体DNA,该线粒体DNA的纯度和完整性满足建库的要求,为沙冬青线粒体基因组研究提供了技术支持,对其他植物线粒体基因组学研究也具有参考价值。
Genome-wide Identification of microRNAs that Respond to Drought Stress in Seedlings of Tertiary Relict Ammopiptanthus mongolicus被引量:4
microRNAs(miR NAs) are important post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression in plant abiotic stress responses. Ammopiptanthus mongolicus is a typical evergreen woody xerophyte, which makes it an ideal model system for studying drought tolerance in woody plants. The response of mi RNAs to drought stress is still unknown in this plant. In this research, we obtained 34 695 665 raw reads from two small RNA libraries constructed from control and drought-treated A. mongolicus seedlings by the Illumina deep sequencing technology. Length analysis revealed that reads of 20, 21, and 24 nucleotides accounted for the majority of the small RNAs in the two libraries. Sequence analyses identified 65 conserved mi RNA sequences from 190 members of 31 mi RNA families and 20 potential novel mi RNAs from 17 families that were differentially expressed between the two libraries. The expression patterns of 25 of these mi RNAs were significantly different in the two libraries, but only am-mi R4 a-c was downregulated during drought stress, the other 24 were upregulated. The expression trends determined by the Hi Seq sequencing and by q RT-PCR were similar. Furthermore, 35 target genes for the conserved mi RNA were markedly changed and 52 target genes for the potential novel mi RNAs were predicted and their functions were annotated by computational analysis. Our results provide new molecular evidence for understanding the molecular mechanisms of drought response and tolerance in A. mongolicus.
LIU ShengliNI YanjieHE QianWANG JinyuCHEN YuzhenLU Cunfu
【目的】克隆胡杨木葡聚糖内转糖苷酶/水解酶基因PeXTH,并研究该基因和植物抗Cd2+性之间的关系。【方法】利用RT-PCR方法从胡杨中克隆一个木葡聚糖内转糖苷酶/水解酶基因PeXTH,将该基因的全长cDNA克隆到植物表达载体pGreen0029上,然后通过农杆菌介导法,将重组表达载体转入烟草,并对转基因烟草的抗Cd2+能力进行初步分析。【结果】PeXTH基因的开放阅读框(ORF)长867bp,含ATG起始密码子和TAG终止密码子,编码由288个氨基酸组成的蛋白;多重氨基酸序列比对结果显示,PeXTH蛋白含有木葡聚糖内转糖苷酶/水解酶(XTHs)的保守催化活性域DEIDFEFLG和N-糖基化位点NLSG;Real-Time PCR检测结果表明,PeXTH基因已经成功在2个转基因株系(L6和L14)中过表达;Cd2+胁迫后,转基因烟草根组织中积累的Cd2+含量显著高于野生型,而叶组织中积累的Cd2+含量明显低于野生型;Cd2+胁迫下,转基因烟草叶片的相对电导率显著低于野生型,但抗氧化酶活性、营养元素含量、叶片净光合速率和蒸腾速率等生理指标都要明显高于野生型。【结论】PeXTH基因的过表达提高了烟草对Cd2+的抗性,为进一步深入研究PeXTH基因在植物抗Cd2+机制中的作用奠定了良好基础。
Role of mucilage during achene germination and sprout growth of the endangered Tibetan medicinal herb Mirabilis himalaica (Nyctaginaceae) exposed to abiotic stresses被引量:1
Aim Mirabilis himalaica(Nyctaginaceae)is an endangered medicinal plant mainly distributed in the plateau region of northern Tibet,China.The outer surface of M.himalaica achenes is covered by a pectinaceous mucilaginous layer upon hydration.However,the role of the achene mucilage is poorly understood.in this study,we inves-tigated the effects of mucilage on achene germination and sprout growth under abiotic stress to explain how M.himalaica survive the alpine environment.Methods We investigated the effect of mucilage on achenes germination by contrast the capacity of water absorption,dehydration and respira-tion of intact achene and the achene with mucilage removal.We performed abiotic stresses experiments including drought stress,salt stress,cold stress and high temperature stress,and quantified the effects of mucilage removal on achene germination rate,root and shoot lengths of seedlings.Important Findings Mucilage is extremely hydrophilic,and the mass of intact achenes can be 9-fold greater than that of demucilaged achenes.The removal of the mucilaginous layer did not significantly change final germination percentages under ideal conditions,but intact achenes(i.e.with muci-lage)took longer to germinate.The mucilage significantly decreased seed respiration rates by acting as a physical barrier that prevented oxygen diffusion.Germination rates,shoot and root growth of intact achenes were higher than those of demucilaged ones during exposures to cold,heat,osmotic and salt stresses.Achene mucilage presumably plays an ecologically important role in the life cycle of M.himalaica by aiding the critical achene germination and early seedling growth in the stressful habitats of the plateau region of northern Tibet.
Yuzhen ChenLu ZhangXiao LuXiaozhong LanMan ShenCunfu Lu
Transcriptomic and epigenomic remodeling occurs during vascular cambium periodicity in Populus tomentosa被引量:1
Trees in temperate regions exhibit evident seasonal patterns,which play vital roles in their growth and development.The activity of cambial stem cells is the basis for regulating the quantity and quality of wood,which has received considerable attention.However,the underlying mechanisms of these processes have not been fully elucidated.Here we performed a comprehensive analysis of morphological observations,transcriptome profiles,the DNA methylome,and miRNAs of the cambium in Populus tomentosa during the transition from dormancy to activation.Anatomical analysis showed that the active cambial zone exhibited a significant increase in the width and number of cell layers compared with those of the dormant and reactivating cambium.Furthermore,we found that differentially expressed genes associated with vascular development were mainly involved in plant hormone signal transduction,cell division and expansion,and cell wall biosynthesis.In addition,we identified 235 known miRNAs and 125 novel miRNAs.Differentially expressed miRNAs and target genes showed stronger negative correlations than other miRNA/target pairs.Moreover,global methylation and transcription analysis revealed that CG gene body methylation was positively correlated with gene expression,whereas CHG exhibited the opposite trend in the downstream region.Most importantly,we observed that the number of CHH differentially methylated region(DMR)changes was the greatest during cambium periodicity.Intriguingly,the genes with hypomethylated CHH DMRs in the promoter were involved in plant hormone signal transduction,phenylpropanoid biosynthesis,and plant–pathogen interactions during vascular cambium development.These findings improve our systems-level understanding of the epigenomic diversity that exists in the annual growth cycle of trees.
Bo ChenHuimin XuYayu GuoPaul GrunhoferLukas SchreiberJinxing LinRuili Li
Comparative microsporogenesis and flower development in Eucalyptus urophylla×E.grandis被引量:2
Microsporogenesis and flower development in Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis were examined using chromosome tableting to provide a method to predict the meiotic stages in this species. Although microsporogenesis was normal, cytokinesis during meiosis of pollen mother cells occurred simultaneously, with strong asynchronism observed in the two different lengths of stamens in a flower bud. In a single flower, the developmental period of microsporogenesis in anthers on the longer stamens was always ahead of those on the shorter stamens. Flower development was also asynchronous at different locations on a branch. Flower buds on the upper side of the branch were larger in diameter than those on the lower side. In addition, a correlation was observed between microsporogenesis development and flower bud diameter growth. The pachy- tene stage was first observed when the diameter of the flower buds increased to 3.0 mm, and the majority of the meiotic stages were observed when bud diameters ranged from 3.5 to 5.0 mm. This study showed that the developmental stages of microsporogenesis in Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis could be distinguished readily, which may be applicable to future breeding studies.
Jun YangJun LanPengqiang YaoZhen HuangXiangyang Kang
Paxillus involutus-灰杨外生菌根钙通透性离子通道介导Cd2+富集的调控机制研究
环境中的重金属镉(Cd2+)能够通过食物链进入人体,损害人类健康。对土壤中的重金属进行生物修复迫在眉睫。灰杨(Populus × canescens)对Cd2+具有超富集能力,在与真菌Paxillus involutus...
Regulation of cytoskeleton-associated protein activities: Linking cellular signals to plant cytoskeletal function被引量:6
The plant cytoskeleton undergoes dynamic remodeling in response to diverse developmental and environmental cues. Remodeling of the cytoskeleton coordinates growth in plant cells, including trafficking and exocytosis of membrane and wall components during cell expansion, and regulation of hypocotyl elongation in response to light. Cytoskeletal remodeling also has key functions in disease resistance and abiotic stress responses. Many stimuli result in altered activity of cytoskeleton-associatedproteins,microtubuleassociated proteins(MAPs) and actin-binding proteins(ABPs). MAPs and ABPs are the main players determining the spatiotemporally dynamic nature of the cytoskeleton, functioning in a sensory hub that decodes signals to modulate plant cytoskeletal behavior. Moreover, MAP and ABP activities and levels are precisely regulated during development and environmental responses, but our understanding of this process remains limited. In this review, we summarize the evidence linking multiple signaling pathways, MAP and ABP activities and levels, and cytoskeletal rearrangements in plant cells. We highlight advances in elucidating the multiple mechanisms that regulate MAP and ABP activities and levels, including calcium and calmodulin signaling, ROP GTPase activity, phospholipid signaling, and post-translational modifications.
Na LianXinwei WangYanping JingJinxing Lin