Using scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy,we studied the structure of the integument and wax glands of the mealybug,Phenacoccus fraxinus Tang(Hemiptera:Coccoidea:Pseudococcidae).We observed the ultrastructure of four wax pores including trilocular,quinquelocular,and multilocular pores as well as tubular ducts,recording characteristics of their structure,size and distribution.We found that that the integument of the mealybug consists of three main layers-the procuticle,epidermis and basement membrane-and four sub-layers of the procuticle-the epicuticle,exocuticle,endocuticle and formation zone.The waxsecreting gland cells were closely arranged in epidermis.All of them were complex and composed of one central cell and two or more lateral cells.These complex cells possess a large common reservoir for collection and storage.Synthesized by the glandular cells,the wax is excreted outside integument through canals.
Yanfeng ZHANGYingping XIEJiaoliang XUEXiaohong FUWeimin LIU
针对直流调速系统,设计了一种模糊自整定的分数阶内模控制器。首先将分数阶理论与内模控制(internal model control,IM C)相结合设计分数阶内模控制器,其参数可根据系统的相角裕度和穿越频率进行解析整定;然后在分析了相角裕度和穿越频率对系统性能影响的基础上,设计出模糊控制器,实现了系统根据转速偏差和偏差变化对控制器参数的在线自整定,克服了系统性能对相角裕度和穿越频率选择的依赖。仿真和试验结果表明模糊自整定分数阶内模控制器可使系统具有良好的动态响应、干扰抑制特性以及克服参数摄动的鲁棒性。