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作品数:4 被引量:3H指数:1


  • 3篇中文期刊文章


  • 2篇生物学
  • 1篇医药卫生


  • 1篇单体型
  • 1篇知识
  • 1篇知识体系
  • 1篇中毒
  • 1篇识体
  • 1篇酒精
  • 1篇酒精中毒
  • 1篇基因
  • 1篇基因定位
  • 1篇基因挖掘
  • 1篇NEURON...
  • 1篇PAI
  • 1篇PAINFU...
  • 1篇SENSE
  • 1篇SNP
  • 1篇CENTRA...
  • 1篇EXCITE...
  • 1篇GENE
  • 1篇HAPLOT...
  • 1篇GENES


  • 2篇哈尔滨医科大...
  • 1篇哈尔滨工业大...
  • 1篇首都医科大学


  • 2篇李霞
  • 1篇李传星
  • 1篇刘桂友
  • 1篇张瑞杰
  • 1篇宫滨生
  • 1篇徐满英
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  • 1篇肖云


  • 1篇中国科学(C...
  • 1篇Scienc...
  • 1篇Neuros...


  • 1篇2009
  • 2篇2008
4 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
高通量的单核苷酸多态(single nucleotide polym orphism,SNP)检测技术与已有的知识体系(如KEGG,GO数据库等)为与疾病相关的SNP单体型及相关基因挖掘提供了有力支撑.本研究对高通量SNP基因型数据,采用4种SNP单体型板块(block)识别方法(置信区间、FGT、连锁不平衡的稳定连接以及单体型板块融合技术),用聚类分析方法验证其效能,通过风险分析方法确定酒精中毒相关的SNP单体型,并基于已有知识体系建立SNP单体型与基因的映射,通过查询NCBI SNP与gene数据库定位SNP单体型板块,确定候选基因,最后结合KEGG,Biocarta及GO数据库进行基因功能注释.在对人类22对常染色体的分析中,寻找到可能与酒精中毒相关的159个单体型板块,包含227个SNP单体型,并预测其中102个SNP单体型可能会增加酒精中毒的发病风险.挖掘得到了121个酒精中毒相关基因,并进一步进行可靠的生物学功能注释验证.结果提示:采用聚类效果验证及风险分析的单体型识别机制,基于单体型的疾病相关基因定位并结合已有知识体系的疾病相关基因挖掘策略,不仅能大大缩减SNP数据挖掘的工作量,实现复杂疾病相关基因的精细定位,而且对于多因素复杂疾病发病机制的探索将更有指导意义.
Novel strategies to mine alcoholism-related haplotypes and genes by combining existing knowledge framework被引量:1
High-throughout single nucleotide polymorphism detection technology and the existing knowledge provide strong support for mining the disease-related haplotypes and genes. In this study, first, we apply four kinds of haplotype identification methods (Confidence Intervals, Four Gamete Tests, Solid Spine of LD and fusing method of haplotype block) into high-throughout SNP genotype data to identify blocks, then use cluster analysis to verify the effectiveness of the four methods, and select the alco- holism-related SNP haplotypes through risk analysis. Second, we establish a mapping from haplotypes to alcoholism-related genes. Third, we inquire NCBI SNP and gene databases to locate the blocks and identify the candidate genes. In the end, we make gene function annotation by KEGG, Biocarta, and GO database. We find 159 haplotype blocks, which relate to the alcoholism most possibly on chromosome 1~22, including 227 haplotypes, of which 102 SNP haplotypes may increase the risk of alcoholism. We get 121 alcoholism-related genes and verify their reliability by the functional annotation of biology. In a word, we not only can handle the SNP data easily, but also can locate the disease-related genes pre- cisely by combining our novel strategies of mining alcoholism-related haplotypes and genes with ex- isting knowledge framework.
ZHANG RuiJie1, LI Xia1,2, JIANG YongShuai1, LIU GuiYou1, LI ChuanXing1, ZHANG Fan1, XIAO Yun1 & GONG BinSheng1 1 Department of Bioinformatics, Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150086, China
Modulation of γ-aminobutyric acid on painful sense in central nervous system of morphine-dependent rats被引量:1
Objective To observe the effects of y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on the electric activities of pain-excited neurons (PEN) in nucleus accumbens (NAc) in central nervous system (CNS) of morphine-dependent rats. Methods After GABA or the GABAA-receptor antagonist, bicuculline (Bic), was injected into cerebral ventricles or NAc, right sciatic nerve was stimulated by electrical pulses, which was considered as traumatic pain stimulation. Extracellular recordings methods were used to record the electric activities of PEN in NAc. Results When GABA was injected into intracerebroventricle (ICV) as well as NAc, it could decrease the pain-evoked discharge frequency and prolong the latency of PEN. Bic could interdict the above effects of GABA on the electric activities of PEN. Conclusion Exogenous GABA might have an inhibitory effect on the central pain adjustment. Furthermore, GABA and GABAA receptor participate and mediate the traumatic information transmission process in CNS.