The microwave radiometer (MRM) onboard the Chang' E-1 (CE-I) lu- nar orbiter is a 4-frequency microwave radiometer, and it is mainly used to obtain the brightness temperature (TB) of the lunar surface, from which the thickness, temperature, dielectric constant and other related properties of the lunar regolith can be derived. The working mode of the CE-1 MRM, the ground calibration (including the official calibration coefficients), as well as the acquisition and processing of the raw data are introduced. Our data analysis shows that TB increases with increasing frequency, decreases towards the lunar poles and is significantly affected by solar illumination. Our analysis also reveals that the main uncertainty in TB comes from ground calibration.
Jian-Qing FengYan SuJian-Jun LiuYong-Liao ZouChun-Lai Li
It is well known that some coronal jets exhibit helical structures and un- twisting. We attempt to inspect the origin of twist in a blowout jet. By means of multiwavelength and multi-angle observations from Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory-Ahead (STEREO-A), we firstly report a polar untwisting jet that is a blowout jet which leads to a jet-like coronal mass ejection. From the viewpoint of SDO, the jet shows clear untwisting behavior and two jet-spires. However, from the viewpoint of STEREO-A the jet actually comes from the whiplike prominence eruption and is followed by a white-light jet. Our observations indicate that twist in blowout jets may result from the erupting mini-prominences/mini- filaments in the jet base.
Jun-Chao HongYun-Chun JiangJia-Yan YangRui-Sheng ZhengYi BiHai-Dong LiBo YangDan Yang
The Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope(HXMT) will perform an all-sky survey in the hard X-ray band as well as deep imaging of a series of small sky regions.We expect various compact objects to be detected in these imaging observations. Point source detection performance of HXMT imaging observation depends not only on the instrument but also on the data analysis method that is applied since images are reconstructed from HXMT observed data with numerical methods. The denoising technique used plays an important part in the HXMT imaging data analysis pipeline along with demodulation and source detection. In this paper we have implemented several methods for denoising HXMT data and evaluated the point source detection performances in terms of sensitivities and location accuracies. The results show that direct demodulation with 1-fold cross-correlation should be the default reconstruction and regularization method, although both sensitivity and location accuracy could be further improved by selecting and tuning numerical methods in data analysis used for HXMT imaging observations.