The operator operations between the disturbing potential and the geoidal undulation, the gravity anomaly, the deflection of the vertical are defined based on the relations among the gravity potential, the normal gravity potential and the disturbing potential. With the sphere as the boundary surface, based on the solution of the external boundary value problem for the disturbing potential by the spherical harmonics in the physical geodesy, the general inverse Stokes’ formula, the general inverse Vening-Meinesz formula and the general Molodensky’s formula are derived from the operator operations defined. The general formulae can get rid of the restriction of the classical formulae only used on the geoid. If the boundary surface is defined as the geoid, the general formulas are degen- erated into the classic ones.
CHENG Luying1,2 & XU Houze1 1. Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430077, China
During the last two decades satellite altimetry has offered an abundance of meas-urements of the sea surface resulting in the improvement of global mean sea surface height (MSSH) and marine geoid determination. On the other hand, with the launching of new genera-tion gravity satellites, some high accuracy long-wavelength gravity models are available. These breakthroughs give us a great opportunity for new estimation of quasi-stationary sea surface topography (QSST). In this paper, the new gravity model GGM01C derived from GRACE mission is briefly presented, and a new global high precision and high-resolution QSST is determined based on the GGM01C model and the global MSSH. The spectral features of the QSST esti-mated by GGM01C and EGM96 gravity model to degree/order 200 are discussed by spectral analysis. As a result, the QSST is mainly composed of long waves, medium waves partially and short waves scarcely, its power spectral structures are different between the zonal direction and the meridional direction, there are great differences between the two models, which maybe ex-plain why the ocean currents derived from the two gravity models by Tapley show different pat-terns.
ZHANG Zizhan1,2 & LU Yang1,3 1. Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430077, China