本文以VAR模型为基础对我国1995年至2012年贸易条件和经常项目进行了实证分析,探讨哈伯格-劳尔森-梅茨勒效应(Harberger-Laursen-Metzler effect)是否在中国存在。实证结果显示哈伯格-劳尔森-梅茨勒效应在中国是长期存在的。为了进一步分析贸易条件和经常项目的变动,本文把贸易条件分解为永久性贸易条件(permanent changes in terms of trade)和暂时性贸易条件(temporary changes in terms of trade),实证结果显示贸易条件的改变对经常项目的影响取决于多种因素,主要包括贸易条件变动的滞后时间长度、贸易条件的类型等。永久性贸易条件和暂时性贸易条件的改变对经常账户和GDP的影响作用是相反的。本文政策含义强调我国货币当局更应该注重贸易条件对我国贸易收支的影响,提高宏观调控的有效性和针对性。
This paper constructs an RMB/USD exchange rate index and a basket currency exchange rate index. The correlation maximization of the RMB/USD and the basket currency index may determine the weight and quantity of the basket currency. The currency basket indicates that the weight of the USD is highest, whereas that of the GB Pound is the lowest. Our currency basket has a high linear dependence on that of the central bank. We found that the RMB/USD and currency basket indices have a long-term co-integration relationship according to the optimal currency weights. The results of the error-correcting model manifest as the RMB/USD exchange rate deviates from the long-term equilibrium level, wherein 76.3% will be corrected. This paper checks the prediction capacity, which indicates the good fit of the model. By using the Granger causality test the findings show that the People's Bank of China adjusts the RMB/USD exchange rate with reference to the currency basket.