设计和研制了一种简便的宇宙线μ子寿命测量的实验装置.该装置采用大面积闪烁体探测器,利用可编程逻辑阵列(field program mable gatearray,FPGA),并通过电子学脉冲计数法,实现对宇宙线μ子的衰变寿命测量.测量结果与文献中给出μ子寿命精确值比较,误差小于3.5%.该实验原理及测量方法简单,测量条件要求不高,可用于大学物理实验教学.相关实验方法也可应用到其他一些粒子寿命及时间测量的实验中.
A new kind (two end readout) of Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber with long readout-strip (LMRPC) is developed to be used at the large-area Muon Telescope Detector (MTD) at mid-rapidity at RHIC/STAR experiment for Time-of-Flight (TOF) measurement. The LMRPC has an active area of 87 cm× 17 cm, 10 gas gaps of 250 μm arranged in 2 stacks, with readout strips of 2.5 cm wide and 90 cm long. The considerations in LMRPC design related to its performance are discussed in this paper. The cosmic ray test results of a prototype LMRPC show a detection efficiency 〉95% and the time resolution -70 ps.