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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
Identification of the anomaly component using BEMD combined with PCA from element concentrations in the Tengchong tin belt, SW China被引量:7
Concentration of elements or element groups in a geological body is the result of multiple stages of rockforming and ore-forming geological processes.An ore-forming element group can be identified by PCA(principal component analysis)and be separated into two components using BEMD(bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition):(1)a high background component which represents the ore-forming background developed in rocks through various geological processes favorable for mineralization(i.e.magmatism,sedimentation and/or metamorphism);(2)the anomaly component which reflects the oreforming anomaly that is overprinted on the high background component developed during mineralization.Anomaly components are used to identify ore-finding targets more effectively than ore-forming element groups.Three steps of data analytical procedures are described in this paper;firstly,the application of PCA to establish the ore-forming element group;secondly,using BEMD on the o re-forming element group to identify the anomaly components created by different types of mineralization processes;and finally,identifying ore-finding targets based on the anomaly components.This method is applied to the Tengchong tin-polymetallic belt to delineate ore-finding targets,where four targets for Sn(W)and three targets for Pb-Zn-Ag-Fe polymetallic mineralization are identified and defined as new areas for further prospecting.It is shown that BEMD combined with PCA can be applied not only in extracting the anomaly component for delineating the ore-finding target,but also in extracting the residual component for identifying its high background zone favorable for mineralization from its oreforming element group.
Yongqing ChenLina ZhangBinbin Zhao
滇东南地区位于华南地块右江海西-印支地槽褶皱带,区内蕴含着我国重要的钨、锡、银、铅、锌等多金属矿产,是华南岩浆成矿带的重要组成部分。这些矿产均围绕个旧、薄竹山和老君山3个复式花岗岩体分布,其中已有大量资料证明个旧花岗岩体(秦德先等,2008;毛景文等,2008;程彦博等,2008;Cheng Y B et al.,2013)和老君山花岗岩体(Yan D P et al.,2006;张斌辉等,2012;蓝江波等,2016)与成矿有着密切的成因联系,而对于薄竹山地区的研究相对薄弱,程度较低,且该区控矿条件和矿化类型与个旧、都龙等超大型锡多金属矿田有一定可比性,因此其深部拥有巨大的找矿潜力。
Application of BEMD in Extraction of Magnetic Anomaly Components Associated with Sn-W Polymetallic Mineralization in SE Yunnan,SW China被引量:3
The tin(Sn)-tungsten(W)polymetallic ore concentrated district in SE Yunnan is distributed at the junction region of the Yangtze Block,the Cathaysian Block and the Indosinian Block,where there are several giant deposits of tin,tungsten,copper,silver,lead,zinc and indium closely associated with a large scale Late Cretaceous magmatism.Bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition(BEMD)is used to extract aeromagnetic anomalous components at the survey scale of 1:200000 from the original aeromagnetic data of SE Yunnan.Four intrinsic mode functions(IMFs)and a residues component are obtained,which may reflect the geological structures and geological bodies at different spatial scales from high frequency to low frequency.The results are shown as follows:(1)Two different types of Precambrian basement in the study area were recognized:one is the Yangtze Block basement characterized by a strong positive magnetic anomaly,the other is the Cathaysian Block basement with a weak negative magnetic anomaly.The former consists of high grade metamorphic rocks including metamorphosed basic igneous rocks,while the latter consists of low grade metamorphosed sedimentary rocks.(2)The aeromagnetic anomalies associated with Sn-W polymetallic mineralization and related to granites in the study area illustrate a pattern of a skarnized alteration-mineralization zone with a positive ring magnetic anomaly enclosing a granitic intrusion with negative magnetic anomaly;(3)The ring positive magnetic anomaly zones enclosing the negative magnetic anomaly are defined as the SnW polymetallic ore-searching targets in the study area.
Chen ChenXu ZhuYongqing ChenShouting ZhangPengda Zhao
以黄岗—甘珠尔庙成矿带南部1∶20万化探扫面数据为基础,借助奇异值分解技术及地球化学块体方法,提取了该区地球化学综合异常及评价该区锡、锌矿的成矿潜力。通过研究得出如下结论:(1)不同方向构造的交汇部位、构造截切地球化学异常的部位或不同方向异常的叠加部位,是寻找钼、锡、钨、铜、铅、锌等矿床的有利地段;(2)区内多数矿床的赋存状态与二叠纪地层有密切的空间关系,特别是二叠纪地层与岩体的接触带或二叠纪地层与其他时代地层的接触带并发育断裂构造的部位;(3)研究区内共圈定了Sn地球化学块体1个,区域异常1个,局部异常8个;Zn地球化学亚块体1个,区域异常1个,局部异常7个。并以1 000 m作为块体厚度,计算了该区潜在锡资源量为211.92万t,潜在锌资源量为146.42万t;(4)通过对该区地球化学块体及异常结构的分析,并根据该区锡、锌矿的成矿条件来确定远景区的等级,本文共圈定了Sn成矿Ⅰ类远景区3个,Ⅱ类远景区4个,Ⅲ类远景区2个;Zn成矿Ⅰ类远景区3个,Ⅱ类远景区2个,Ⅲ类远景区2个。
Geochronology and geochemistry of Cretaceous-Eocene granites,Tengchong Block(SW China):Petrogenesis and implications for Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of Eastern Tethys被引量:9
The Early Cretaceous-Early Eocene granitoids in the Tengchong Block record the evolutionary history of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectono-magmatic evolution of Eastern Tethys.(a)The Early Cretaceous granitoids with relatively low(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)iratios of 0.7090-0.7169 andε_(Nd)(t)values of-9.8 to-7.8 display metaluminous,calc-alkaline dominated by I-type granite affinity and hybrid mantle-crust geochemical signatures.They may have been derived from melting of the subducted Meso-Tethyan BangongNujiang oceanic crust with terrigenous sediments in an arc-continent collisional setting.(b)The Late Cretaceous-Paleocene granitoids with relatively high(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)iratios of 0.7109-0.7627,andε_(Nd)(t)values of-12.1 to-7.9 exhibit metaluminous to peraluminous,calc-alkaline dominated by S-type granite affinity and hybrid Lower-Upper crust geochemical signatures,which may be originated from partial melting of the Meso-Proterozoic continental crust in the collision setting between the Tengchong Block and Baoshan Block.(c)The Early Eocene granitoids have metaluminous,calc-alkaline I-type and S-type granites dual affinity,with relatively high(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)iratios of 0.711-0.736,ε_(Nd)(t)values of-9.4 to-4.7,showing crust-mantle mixing geochemical signatures.They may have been originated from partial melting of the late Meso-Proterozoic upper crustal components mixed with some upper mantle material during the ascent process of mantle magma caused by the subduction of the Neo-Tethyan Putao-Myitkyian oceanic crust,and collision between the Western Burma Block and the Tengchong Block.It is these multi-stage subductions and collisions that caused the spatial and temporal distribution of the granitic rocks in the Tengchong Block.
Yongqing ChenGuangjie LiLuxue QinYingxiang LuChengxing Jiang