The stability of excited superheavy nuclei (SHN) with 100 Z 134 against neutron emission and fission is investigated by using a statistical model. In particular, a systematic study of the survival probability against fission in the 1n-channel of these SHN is made. The present calculations consistently take the neutron separation energies and shell correction energies from the calculated results of the finite range droplet model which predicts an island of stability of SHN around Z = 115 and N = 179. It turns out that this island of stability persists for excited SHN in the sense that the calculated survival probabilities in the 1n-channel of excited SHN at the optimal excitation energy are maximized around Z = 115 and N = 179. This indicates that the survival probability in the 1n-channel is mainly determined by the nuclear shell effects.
XIA ChengJun1, SUN BaoXi1, ZHAO EnGuang2,3 & ZHOU ShanGui2,3 1College of Applied Sciences, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
The experimental one-, three-, and five-quasiparticle bands in 177Lu are analyzed by the particle-number conserving (PNC) method for treating the cranked shell model with pairing interaction, in which the blocking effects are taken into account exactly. The experimental moments of inertia are reproduced very well by PNC calculations with us free parameter.
研究了t道、s道、u道和由张量相互作用项导致的接触项对矢量介子和重子八重态之间的相互作用势的贡献。在分波分析的框架下,求解了耦合道的李普曼–施温格方程,研究了动力学生成的奇异数S=0,同位旋为I=1/2的重子共振态N(1650)1/2-和N(1700)3/2-,N(1895)1/2-和N(1875)3/2-,N(2120)3/2-,以及同位旋I=3/2的重子共振态△(1620)1/2-和△(1700)3/2-的质量、衰变宽度、和角动量等性质。另外,计算结果表明,在2 000 Me V附近存在着JP=1/2-的N(2120)3/2-的对偶共振态。
The binding energies εη and widths Гη of wmesic nuclei are calculated. We parameterize the η self-energy in the nuclear medium as a function of energy and density. We find that the single-particle energies are sensitive to the scattering length, and increase monotonically with the nucleus. The key point for the study of η-nucleus bound states is the η-nuclear optical potential. We study the s-wave interactions of η mesons in a nuclear medium and obtain the optical potential Uη ≈ -72 MeV. Comparing our results with the previous results, we find that the ηN scattering length aηN is indeed important to the calculations. With increasing nuclear density the effective mass of the η meson decreases.
The experimentally observed ten rotational bands in 179Re are analyzed with the particle-number conserving method for treating the cranked shell model with pairing interaction, in which the blocking effects are taken into account exactly. The experimental moments of inertia of these bands are reproduced quite well by our calculations with no free parameter and the deformation driving effects are discussed. The bandhead energies and the variation in the occupation probability of each cranked orbital are also analyzed.