Effect of quercetin on HeLa cell system of cervical cancer was studied by methods of MTT and Annexin V-FITC/PI. The results show that quercetin has functions of inhibiting breeding of HeLa cells and inducing apoptosis of the cells. The total apoptosis rate is positively proportional to reaction duration and concentration of quercetin used. The maximum apoptosis rate being (88.76±2.35)% was obtained when the concentration was 50.0 μmol/L and the cells were treated with quercetin for 72 hours. Based on establishing a model of tumor of cervical cancer transplanted into nude mice, quercetin of different concentrations was injected into abdominal cavity of nude mice and situation of tumor growth was reviewed. The result showed that with quercetin concent'ration increasing from 0 to 100.0 μmol/L, the transplantation volume and weight of the tumors decreased from (279.59±70.58) mm^3 and (0.145±0.019) g to (128.72±36.12) mm^3 and (0.089± 0.019) g respectively, while apoptosis rate of the transplanted tumor increased from (9.63±1.85)% to (34,98±0.47)%, which proved that quercetin inhibited increment of volume and weight of transplanted tumor in nude mice bodies.