Limestone in cement could be a source of CO3^2- needed for thaumasite formation which will result in thanmasite form of sulfate attack (TSA) probably. TSA has more deterioration than ettringite or gypsum form of sulfate attack because it targets the calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) which is the main binder phase in all Portland cement-based materials. By means of physical and mechanical property testing as well as erosion phases analysis, magnesium sulfate attack of cement-based material containing 35% limestone powder by mass at 5 ± 2 ℃ is investigated. The compressive strength and flexural strength of mortar specimen immersed in MgSO4 solution increase firstly, then decrease rapidly with the immersing age. Relative dynamic elastic modulus of mortar specimen changes in a phased process. After immersing in MgSO4 solution for 15 weeks, the main erosion phases in paste specimen change from four phases compounds, three phases compounds to two phases compounds from surface to inside. Deterioration course of limestone cement-based material exposed to magnesium sulfate aggressive environment appears progressive damage layer by layer, and every layer probably suffers four stages, which are property strengthening stage, initial degradation stage, thaumasite formation stage and cementation loss stage, respectively.