Knowledge of the evolution of pedogenic processes in the carbonate area is important to understand the dynamics of rock desertification.A precisely-dated stalagmite δ13C record between 61.3 and 50.5 ka BP from southwestern China,potentially related to soil biogenic CO2 production,shifts within a narrow range between -9‰ and -7‰,and exhibits a prominent cycle of 350-470 a,independent of the Asian monsoon changes.This indicates that a threshold effect might control the amplitude of calcite δ13C variability,likely associated with the vertical soil loss in the carbonate area.The periodic δ13C changes reflect that the loss/recovery of soil cover can operate on centennial scale.Thus,the rock desertification in southwestern China might at least initiate 60 ka ago and should be of natural origin.
Knowledge of the evolution of pedogenic processes in the carbonate area is important to understand the dynamics of rock desertification.A precisely-dated stalagmite δ13C record between 61.3 and 50.5 ka BP from southwestern China,potentially related to soil biogenic CO2 production,shifts within a narrow range between -9‰ and -7‰,and exhibits a prominent cycle of 350-470 a,independent of the Asian monsoon changes.This indicates that a threshold effect might control the amplitude of calcite δ13C variability,likely associated with the vertical soil loss in the carbonate area.The periodic δ13C changes reflect that the loss/recovery of soil cover can operate on centennial scale.Thus,the rock desertification in southwestern China might at least initiate 60 ka ago and should be of natural origin.
气候突变前兆信号对研究气候突变爆发方式、特征、细节过程以及未来气候预测有着极为重要的学术价值及社会意义.青天洞具有年纹层特征的石笋δ18O记录显示,在新仙女木(Younger Dryas,YD)事件结束期间,季风约在11年内完成转型,但在结束前(11.64 ka BP^11.54 ka BP),季风变化存在2个数十年尺度次级波动,历时约97±7年.该期季风强度颤动与此前YD内部季风变化相比呈现低幅、高频特征,在整个过程中季风强度总体保持上升,且在11.59 ka BP后显示出自相关增强.这些特征与最近洱海湖泊生态系统突变前频繁波动特征类似,说明高频、低幅波动可能反映不同动力系统接近其临界值,可作为突变的前兆信号.