Due to the South-to-North Water Diversion Project,the salvage archaeological excavations were conducted in Xuecun,Xingyang city,Henan Province,China,by the Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of Henan Province in 2005 and 2006.Ample evidence for a paleoearthquake was found during the excavation in the Xuecun archaeological site.The evidence includes faults,two small grabens and a series of ground fissures.These geological structures are considered to be generated by the earthquake.Based on the relationship between the paleoseismic relics and the cultural layers excavated in the site,we inferred that the earthquake took place in the early Shang Dynasty (the Erligang period).The AMS 14C dates of charcoal from ash pits in the site indicate that the earthquake occurred between 1260 BC and 1520 BC.The paleoearthquake during this period was first discovered in the Central Plain of China.This discovery not only extents the scope of paleoseismic investigation,but also provides valuable information for safety evaluation of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project.
The transition from Paleolithic to Neolithic around 10000 a BP was a significant event in human history. We have analyzed the paleoenvironment in the Zhaitang area (Beijing) based on samples from an early Neolithic site at Donghulin. This site is considered to demonstrate the Paleolithic-Neolithic transition in this area. The site yielded burials with several human skeletons, known as "Donghulin man". We conducted a geomorphological and quaternary geological investigation in the Donghulin area, and also analyzed sediments and pollen, enabling us to discuss the living environment of the local people. Donghulin man lived mainly from 11100-9600 cal a BP; a period of warming following the Younger Dryas. The climate was good, the land was covered by dry temperate grassland, and later, wet temperate meadow steppe. "Donghulin man" usually inhabited the floodplain; this was flat, warm, and wet, with abundant plants and animals for a favorable living environment. Our research helps to rebuild the living environment of humans in the Beijing area around 10000 a BP, and to understand more about the environmental setting in north China during the Paleolithic-Neolithic transition.
距今10000年前后旧石器文化向新石器文化的过渡,是人类历史上一次重大的事件.北京斋堂东胡林遗址属于新石器早期人类遗址,其文化面貌具有明显的新旧石器文化过渡的性质.同期墓葬中还出土有多具古人骸骨,被称为"东胡林人".配合考古发掘,在东胡林遗址进行了地貌第四纪调查和相关沉积物的分析,就"东胡林人"的生存环境进行了初步的探讨.结果表明,"东胡林人"主要生活在11100~9600cal a BP期间,对应于新仙女木事件结束之后的升温期,当时气候环境发生了明显的改善,出现了温和较干的温带草原与较为温暖湿润的温带草甸草原交替的植被环境.文化遗迹的分布部位表明,"东胡林人"主要活动在河漫滩平原上,地势平坦、水热条件较好、植被比较茂盛的河漫滩平原适宜于史前人类生活.这一研究有助于重建10000aBP前后北京地区的人类生存环境,也有助于加深对华北地区新旧石器文化过渡时期环境背景的了解.