Lead (Pb) chemical fixation is an important environmental aspect for human health. Phosphate rocks (PRs) were utilized as an adsorbent to remove Pb from aqueous solution. Raw PRs and oxalic acid-activated PRs (APRs) were used to investigate the effect of chemical modification on the Pb-binding capacity in the pH range 2.0-5.0. The Pb adsorption rate of all treatments above pH 3.0 reached 90%. The Pb binding on PRs and APRs was pH-independent, except at pH 2.0 in activated treatments. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that the raw PRs formed cerussite after reacting with the Pb solution, whereas the APRs formed pyromorphite. The Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy analysis indicated that carbonate (CO32-) in raw PRs and phosphate (PO43-) groups in APRs played an important role in the Pb-binding process. After adsorption, anomalous block-shaped particles were observed by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data further indicated that both chemical and physical reactions occurred during the adsorption process according to the binding energy. Because of lower solubility of pyromorphite compared to cerussite, the APRs are more effective in immobilizing Pb than that of PRs.
Guanjie JiangYonghong LiuLi HuangQingling FuYoujun DengHongqing Hu
磷矿粉被广泛用于固定污染土壤中的重金属,然而施用草酸活化磷矿粉后对土壤中铅形态的研究非常有限。该文采用Tessier连续提取法分析砖红壤中施加未活化和经草酸活化的磷矿粉后,砖红壤中外源铅形态的变化。结果表明:随着磷矿粉施加量的增加,各处理中交换态铅质量分数比对照(64.1mg/kg)显著下降,未活化磷矿粉处理(PR)的交换态铅质量分数为0.1mg/kg,而草酸活化磷矿粉处理(APR)中未检出;醋酸盐提取态铅质量分数除草酸活化磷矿粉2000mg/kg处理为24.5mg/kg(APR3)减少外,其他处理均高于对照(27.2mg/kg),在未活化磷矿粉500mg/kg(PR2)处理时达到最大值41.8mg/kg;铁锰氧化物结合态除未活化磷矿粉50mg/kg(PR1)处理为69.5mg/kg低于对照(74.2mg/kg)外,其余均高于对照,在APR3处理时达最大值117.2mg/kg;有机物结合态铅质量分数除PR1处理为20.7mg/kg,其余均高于对照处理(21.8mg/kg),在APR3处理时达到最大值46.5mg/kg;PR处理残渣态铅与对照相比(44.2mg/kg)显著增加至60.6mg/kg,对APR处理其变化范围为42.7~43.5mg/kg,各处理稍低于对照,但差异不显著(p<0.05)。显然,磷矿粉的施加可有效降低砖红壤中交换态铅质量分数,增加稳定态铅质量分数,且草酸活化磷矿粉的效果更佳。同时,草酸活化后磷矿粉的释磷能力增加,除草酸活化磷矿粉最高施磷量处理外(5000mg/kg),施入磷矿粉和草酸活化磷矿粉后释放的磷对环境构成风险可能性极小。X-射线衍射光谱(X-ray diffraction,XRD)和扫描电镜(scaning electron microscope,SEM)结果分析也表明草酸活化磷矿粉的释磷能力增加,更有利于固定土壤中的铅。该研究可为草酸活化磷矿粉固定土壤中的铅提供参考依据。