The Jialu River in China has been seriously polluted by the direct discharge of industrial and domestic wastewater. The predominant contaminants of the Jialu River and its adjacent groundwater were recently investigated. However, the potential genotoxic impact of polluted water on human health remains to be clarified. Here, we used human–hamster hybrid(AL) cells, which are sensitive for detecting environmental mutagens. We found that the cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of the groundwater in the Jialu River basin were influenced by the infiltration of the Jialu River. Hydrological periods significantly affected the cytotoxicity, but not the mutagenic potential, of surface and groundwater. Further, the mutagenic potential of groundwater samples located 〈 1 km from the Jialu River(S(M-2) water samples) was detected earlier than that of groundwater samples located approximately 20 km from the Jialu River(SN water samples). Because of high cytotoxicity, the mutagenic potential of water samples from the Jialu River(S(M-1) water samples) was not significantly enhanced compared with that of untreated controls. To further assess the mutagenic dispersion potential, an artificial neural network model was adopted. The results showed that the highest mutagenic potential of groundwater was observed approximately 10 km from the Jialu River. Although further investigation of mutagenic spatial dispersion is required, our data are significant for advancing our understanding of the origin, dispersion,and biological effects of water samples from polluted areas.
以紫薯和杏鲍菇为主要原材料,通过果酒酵母和醋化醋杆菌混合发酵生产复合果醋,采用单因素试验,正交试验的方法,优化紫薯和杏鲍菇复合果醋混菌发酵的制备工艺。优化得到的配方及制备工艺条件为:紫薯与杏鲍菇比例为2∶1,白砂糖添加量为15%,pH为4.0,果酒酵母接种量为2.5%,醋化醋杆菌接种量为12%,种龄20 h,接种间隔0 h,装液量40 m L/250 m L,32℃,在此条件下产酸在第7天达到最大,为43.20 g/L,酿制出的紫薯杏鲍菇复合果醋澄清现粉红色,醋味浓郁,营养丰富,具有紫薯和杏鲍菇清香味。