Based on daily data sets of 17 meteorological factors during the period of 1954-2005 for 60 gauge stations distributed over Gansu Province of China and the corresponding dust storm records, the dust storm probabilities related to different classes of each factor have been calculated and analyzed. On the basis of statistical analysis, a meteorological descriptor quantifying the daily dust storm occurrence probability for each station, which is referred to as the Dust Storm Occurrence Probability Index (DSOPI), has been effectively established. According to the statistical characteristics of DSOPI for each station, a feasible judging criterion for a dust storm event has been determined, which can greatly contribute to forecasting dust storms and completing the unavailable historic dust storm records. Meanwhile, the average daily dust storm probability related to each factor on the dust storm day for each station has been specially analyzed in detail, finally disclosing that, in general, the more signifi- cant one factor's influence on dust storms, the greater its contribution to them; and each factor's contribution clearly varies from place to place. Moreover, on average, maximum and mean wind speeds, maximum-speed wind direction, daily sunny hours, evaporation, mean and lowest relative humidity, lowest surface air pressure and vapor pressure contribute to dust storm events in Gansu Province most greatly in order among all the 17 involved factors.
WanYuan LiShiHua LuZhiBao DongShiGong WangZhiBao ShenYuChun ChenYe YuYinHuan Ao