制备了基于酞菁氧钛(TiOPc)的有机光敏场效应管,对氧化铟锡(ITO)衬底器件进行温度优化。实验结果表明,随着衬底温度(T_(sub))的增加,器件载流子迁移率(μ)、光暗电流比(P)和光响应度(R)先增加后减小,在T_(sub)=140℃时达到最大。T_(sub)=140℃的ITO衬底器件,在波长808 nm、光功率密度190 m W·cm^(-2)的近红外光照下,最大载流子迁移率达到1.35×10^(-2)cm^2·V^(-1)·s^(-1),最大光暗电流比为250,栅压为-50 V时的最大光响应度为1.51 m A/W。
By utilizing a two-step process to express the charge generation and separation mechanism of the transition metal oxides (TMOs) interconnector layer, a numerical model was proposed for tandem organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) with a TMOs thin film as the interconnector layer. This model is valid not only for an n-type TMOs interconnector layer, but also for a p-type TMOs interconnector layer. Based on this model, the influences of different carrier injection barriers at the interface of the electrode/organic layer on the charge generation ability of interconnector layers were studied. In addition, the distribution characteristics of carrier concentration, electric field intensity and potential in the device under different carrier injection barriers were studied. The results show that when keeping one carrier injection barrier as a constant while increasing another carrier injection barrier, carri- ers injected into the device were gradually decreased, the carrier generation ability of the interconnector layer was gradually reduced, the electric field intensity at the interface of the organic/electrode was gradually enhanced, and the electric field distribution became nearly linear: the voltage drops in two light units gradually became the same. Meanwhile, the carrier injection ability decreased as another carrier injection barrier increased. The simulation re- sults agree with the experimental data. The obtained results can provide us with a deep understanding of the work mechanism of TMOs-based tandem OLEDs.