The design of a programmable frequency divider, which is one of the components of the phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer for transmitter and receiver in IEEE 802. 11 a standard, is investigated. The main steps in very large-scale integration (VLSI) design flow such as logic synthesis, floorplan and placement & routing (P & R) are introduced. By back-annotating the back-end information to the front-end design, the custom wire-load model is created and used for optimizing the design flow under deep submicron technology. The programmable frequency divider is implemented based on Artisan TSMC (Taiwan Semicoductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. )0. 18μm CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) standard cells and fabricated. The Chip area is 1 360. 5μm^2 and can work in the range of 100 to 200 MHz. The measurement results indicate that the design conforms to the frequency division precision.
This letter presents an efficient scheduling algorithm DTRR (Dual-Threshold Round Robin) for input-queued switches. In DTRR, a new matched input and output by round robin in a cell time will be locked by two self-adaptive thresholds whenever the queue length or the wait-time of the head cell in the corresponding Virtual Output Queue (VOQ) exceeds the thresholds. The locked input and output will be matched directly in the succeeding cell time until they are unlocked. By employing queue length and wait-time thresholds which are updated every cell time simultane- ously, DTRR achieves a good tradeoff between the performance and hardware complexity. Simula- tion results indicate that the delay performance of DTRR is competitive compared to other typical scheduling algorithms under various traffic patterns especially under diagonal traffic.
The implementation of a programmable frequency divider, which is one of the components of the phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer for digital video broadcastingterrestrial (DVB-T) and other modem communication systems, is presented. By cooperating with a dual-modulus prescaler, this divider can realize an integer frequency division from 926 to 1 387. Besides the traditional standard cell design flow, such as logic synthesis, placement and routing, the interactions between front-end and back-end are also considered to optimize the design flow under deep submicron technology. By back-annotating the back-end information to front-end design, a custom wire-load model is created which is more practical compared with the default model. This divider has been fabricated in TSMC 0. 18μm CMOS technology using Artisan standard cell library. The chip area is 675 μm × 475 μm and the power consumption is about 2 mW under a 1.8 V power supply. Measurement results show that it works correctly and can realize a frequency division with high precision.