In this paper, the effect of the intrinsic distribution of cosmological candles is investigated. We find that in the case of a narrow distribution the deviation of the observed modulus of sources from the expected central value can be estimated within a ceratin range. We thus introduce lower and upper limits of X^2, X^2min and X^2max to estimate cosmological parameters by applying the conventional minimizing X^2 method. We apply this method to a gammaray burst (GRB) sample as well as to a combined sample including this GRB sample and an SN Ia sample. Our analysis shows that: a) in the case of assuming an intrinsic distribution of candles of the GRB sample, the effect of the distribution is obvious and should not be neglected; b) taking into account this effect would lead to a poorer constraint of the cosmological parameter ranges. The analysis suggests that in the attempt of constraining the cosmological model with current GRB samples, the results tend to be worse than was previously anticipated if the mentioned intrinsic distribution does exist.