General characteristics and biomarker distributions of Lower Permian coal-measure source rocks in northeastern Ordos Bsain have been analyzed in this paper. The results show that the source rocks are type Ⅲ kerogen, thermally mature, with high content of total organic carbon. The extracts of the source rock samples with different lithologies from Well Su 27 feature high Pr/Ph ratios, high C19 TT and C24 Te, high rearranged hopanes, a predominance of C29 sterane in regular steranes, and the absence of C30 4-methylsteranes. These data suggest that the source rocks were deposited in suboxic to oxic conditions with dominantly terrigenous higher plant input. In contrast, the source rocks from wells Shuang 1 and Yu 20, are characterized by low Pr/Ph ratios, low C19 TT and C24 Te, high C23 TT, similar content of C27 sterane and C29 sterane, and the presence of C30 4-methylsteranes, showing that the source rocks were deposited in reducing environment with algae and/or microorganisms and terrigenous higher plant input.
Objective The distribution characteristics and formation mechanism of rearranged hopanes in hydrocarbon source rocks are affected by various geological conditions.Among these geological conditions,thermal action has an important influence on the formation of rearranged hopanes,which has been however little documented previously.
The Songliao Basin, one of the biggest continental petroliferous basins in eastern China, is a Mesozoic- Cenozoic fault-depressed and fault-subsided basin developed on the Hercynian fold basement. Generally, rearranged hopanes are considered to be formed by clay- mediated acidic catalysis under oxic or suboxic environment, whereas high abundance of rearranged hopanes were found in hydrocarbon source rocks and crude oils that are derived from salty environment in the Songliao Basin. This phenomenon rarely happens all over the world.