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作品数:6 被引量:31H指数:4


  • 6篇期刊文章
  • 1篇会议论文


  • 4篇化学工程
  • 1篇机械工程
  • 1篇电子电信
  • 1篇理学


  • 2篇折射率
  • 2篇NEAR
  • 2篇HOLOGR...
  • 2篇INTERF...
  • 2篇INTERF...
  • 2篇ABSORP...
  • 2篇GAS-LI...
  • 1篇压降
  • 1篇液体折射率
  • 1篇图像
  • 1篇流体力学
  • 1篇流体力学性能
  • 1篇静态混合器
  • 1篇激光多普勒测...
  • 1篇激光多普勒测...
  • 1篇计算流体力学
  • 1篇法布里-珀罗
  • 1篇法布里-珀罗...
  • 1篇干涉仪
  • 1篇ANALYS...


  • 3篇天津大学


  • 2篇刘春江
  • 2篇周瑜
  • 1篇梁杰
  • 1篇刘国标
  • 1篇袁希钢
  • 1篇贾光明
  • 1篇向望华
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  • 1篇陆寒冰


  • 4篇Chines...
  • 2篇天津大学学报


  • 3篇2007
  • 3篇2006
  • 1篇2005
6 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
设计了一个基于法布里-珀罗(F-P)干涉仪的测量液体折射率(浓度)的传感装置。利用光纤传输激光并用分体 CCD 采集图像,实现了对液体折射率和浓度的高精度测量。从理论上分析了采用平面 F-P 干涉仪实现液体折射率高精度测...
Experimental Investigation of Single-phase Flow in Structured Packing by LDV被引量:8
To date, many models have been developed to calculate the flow field in the structured packing by the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique, but little experimental work has been carried out to serve the vali-dation of flow simulation. In this work, the velocity profiles of single-phase flow in structured packing are measured at the Reynolds numbers of 20.0, 55.7 and 520.1, using the laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV). The time-averaged and instantaneous velocities of three components are obtained simultaneously. The CFD simulation is also carried out to numerically predict the velocity distribution within the structured packing. Comparison shows that the flow pattern, velocity distribution and turbulent kinetic energy (for turbulent flow) on the horizontal plane predicted by CFD simulation are in good agreement with the LDV measured data. The values of the x-and z-velocity components are quantitatively well predicted over the plane in the center of the packing, but the predicted y-component is sig-nificantly smaller than the experimental data. It can be concluded that experimental measurement is important for further improvement of CFD model.
Measurement of Liquid Concentration Fields Near Interface with Cocurrent Gas-Liquid Flow Absorption Using Holographic Interferometry被引量:6
Real-time laser holographic interferometry was applied to measure liquid concentrations of CO2 in the vicinity of gas-liquid free interface under the conditions of cocurrent gas-liquid flow for absorption of CO2 by ethanol. The influences of the Reynolds number on the measurable interface concentration and on the film thickness were discussed. The results show that CO2 concentration decreases exponentially along the mass transfer direction,and the concentration gradient increases as Reynolds number of either liquid or gas increases. CO2 concentrations fluctuate slightly along the direction of flow; on the whole, there is an increase in CO2 concentration. The investigation also demonstrated that film thickness decreases with the increase of Reynolds number of either of the two phases. Sherwood number representing the mass transfer coefficient was finally correlated as a function of the hydrodynamic parameters and the physical properties.
Measurement of Liquid Concentration Fields Near Interface with Cocurrent Gas-Liquid Flow Absorption Using Holographic Interferometry
Real-time laser holographic interferometry was applied to measure liquid concentrations of CO2 in the vicinity of gas-liquid free interface under the conditions of cocurrent gas-liquid flow for absorption of CO2 by ethanol. The influences of the Reynolds number on the measurable interface concentration and on the film thickness were discussed. The results show that CO2 concentration decreases exponentially along the mass transfer direction, and the concentration gradient increases as Reynolds number of either liquid or gas increases. CO2 concentrations fluctuate slightly along the direction of flow; on the whole, there is an increase in CO2 concentration. The investiga- tion also demonstrated that film thickness decreases with the increase of Reynolds number of either of the two phases. Sherwood number representing the mass transfer coefficient was finally correlated as a function of the hy- drodynamic parameters and the physical properties.
The Analysis of Distillation Tray Column Efficiency by Fluid Dynamics and Mass Transfer Computation被引量:1
It has long been found that the flow pattern of the liquid phase on distillation tray is of great importance on distillation process performance. But until now, there was very few published work on quantitative investigation of this subject. By combining the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with the mass transfer equation, a theoretical model is proposed for predicting the details of velocity and concentration distributions as well as the tray efficiency of distillation tray column. Using the proposed model, four different cases corresponding to different assumptions of liquid and vapor flowing condition for a distillation tray column were investigated. In Case I, the distributions of velocity and concentration of the incoming liquid from the downcomer and the uprising vapor from the underneath tray spacing are uniform. In Case n, the distribution of the incoming liquid is non-uniform but the uprising vapor is uniform. In Case HI, the distribution of the incoming liquid is uniform but the uprising vapor is non-uniform. In Case IV, the distributions of both the incoming liquid and the uprising vapor are non-uniform. The details of velocity and concentration distributions on a multiple sieve tray distillation column in four different cases were simulated using the proposed model. It is found that the shape of the simulated concentration profiles of vapor and the liquid is quite different from case to case. The computed results also show that the tray efficiency is highly reduced by the maldistribution of velocity and concentration of the incoming liquid and uprising vapor. The tray efficiency for Case I is higher than Case Ⅱ or Case Ⅲ, and that for Case Ⅳ is the lowest. It also reveals that the accumulated effect of maldistribution becomes more pronounced when the number of column trays increased. The present study demonstrates that the use of computational method to predict the mass transfer efficiency for the tray column, especially for the large one, is feasible.