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21 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
通过设置对照(0)、低氮(50 kg N/(hm^2·a))、中氮(100 kg N/(hm^2·a))和高氮(150 kg N/(hm^2·a))4种水平的氮添加实验,研究武夷山米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)径向生长的季节特征及其对模拟氮沉降的短期响应。结果表明,米槠的全年生长可分为水分恢复期、快速生长期和缓慢生长期3个阶段。不同生长阶段对施肥的响应不同,低氮和中氮处理对米槠的全年胸径相对生长速率有显著促进作用,这种影响主要在快速生长期(6—10月)产生,氮添加在缓慢生长期(11—4月)对米槠径向生长无显著影响。氮添加对不同径级树木生长的影响存在差异,低氮和中氮处理显著促进低径级(5 cm25 cm)米槠径向生长无显著响应。中氮处理显著提高研究区内米槠群落的生物量增长速率(p<0.05),其他处理的效果不显著。
Global warming, human-induced carbon emissions, and their uncertainties被引量:40
In recent decades, there have been a number of debates on climate warming and its driving forces. Based on an extensive literature review, we suggest that (1) climate warming occurs with great uncertainty in the magnitude of the temperature increase; (2) both human activities and natural forces contribute to climate change, but their relative contributions are difficult to quan- tify; and (3) the dominant role of the increase in the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases (including CO2) in the global warming claimed by the Intergovernrnental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is questioned by the scientific communities because of large uncertainties in the mechanisms of natural factors and anthropogenic activities and in the sources of the increased atmospheric CO2 concentration. More efforts should be made in order to clarify these uncertainties.
FANG JingYunZHU JiangLingWANG ShaoPengYUE ChaoSHEN HaiHua
研究植物碳(C)氮(N)磷(P)化学计量特征,有助于了解C、N、P元素的分配规律和确定限制植物生长的元素类型,理解生长速率调控的内在机制。该研究基于盆栽施肥试验,测定不同N、P供应水平下拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)叶片的生物量和C、N、P含量,分析拟南芥的限制元素类型、验证生长速率假说、探讨N、P的内稳性差异和C、N、P元素间的异速生长关系。主要结果如下:盆栽试验基质中限制元素是P,施N过多可能引起毒害作用;拟南芥的生长符合生长速率假说,即随着叶片N:P和C:P的增加,比生长速率显著减小;叶片P含量存在显著的调整系数(3.5),但叶片N含量与基质N含量之间无显著相关;叶片N和P含量具有显著的异速生长关系,但不符合N-P3/4关系,施P肥导致表征N、P异速生长关系的幂指数(0.209)显著低于施N肥处理(0.466)。该研究首次基于温室培养实验分析了拟南芥C、N、P的化学计量特征及其对N、P添加的响应,研究结果将为野外研究不同物种、群落或生态系统的化学计量特征提供参考。
Large scale patterns of forage yield and quality across Chinese grasslands被引量:14
Understanding the patterns of forage quantity and quality and investigating the factors influencing these patterns are essential for the development of animal husbandry.However,there is very little field evidence focused on these issues at a large spatial scale.In the current study,we analyzed forage quantity and quality at 177 sites distributed in all the major grassland types across China,and explored the relationship between forage quantity and quality based on consistent sampling protocols.We also investigated potential factors influencing forage quality patterns across China.Our study indicates the Tibetan grasslands had both higher quantity and quality forage than the Inner Mongolian grasslands,and alpine meadow had the best quantity and quality forage because of the meadow's high productivity and the crude protein and nitrogen free extract content of the meadow forage.For the main vegetation formations,Kobresia tibetica meadows and Achnatherum splendens steppes had the highest quantity,while Kobresia pygmaea meadows and Kobresia humilis meadows had the best quality.We also found that although environmental factors,such as temperature and soil fertility,could affect physiological processes and so influence forage quality,the large scale patterns of change were mainly a result of the differences in vegetation types.Finally,we reported a negative relationship between forage quantity and quality:higher forage quantity means more crude fiber but less ether extract and crude protein.These findings improve our understanding on the spatial patterns of forage quantity and quality,and provide solid evidence related to the future development of animal husbandry.
SHI YueMA YinLeiMA WenHongLIANG CunZhuZHAO XinQuanFANG JingYunHE JinSheng
草地是畜牧业生产的基础,对于草地产草量和牧草品质的格局及其与环境因子之间关系的研究有助于科学合理地发展畜牧业,但目前国内大尺度上的研究还比较缺乏.本文通过对中国草地131个采样点共计177个样地的产草量和牧草品质进行分析,研究了中国草地不同区域和不同植被类型的产草量和牧草品质,分析了牧草品质与产草量之间的关系,探讨了气候和土壤因子对牧草品质格局的作用.研究显示:(1)在研究区域总体上,青藏高原草地的产草量较内蒙古草地高,主要是由于高寒草甸有较高的产草量.相比于内蒙古地区的草地,青藏高原草地的牧草具有高粗蛋白、高无氮浸出物、低粗纤维、低粗脂肪的特点,营养价值更高.(2)从植被型上来看,高寒草甸的产草量和营养价值都最高;从植被群系上来看,产草量最高的是西藏嵩草(Kobresia tibetica)草甸和芨芨草(Achnatherums plendens)草原,牧草品质最好的则是高山嵩草(Kobresiapygmaea)草甸和矮生嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸.(3)大尺度上,气候和土壤因子首先通过改变植被类型而影响到牧草品质的格局,对于植物具体的生理过程虽然也有影响但并非造成大尺度牧草品质格局的主要原因;消除植被类型差异后,气候因子中仅年均温(MAT)对粗纤维有显著作用,而土壤因子对所有营养指标均有显著影响,反映土壤因子对牧草品质有着更直接的作用.(4)牧草的营养价值和产草量之间存在相关关系,随着产草量的升高,牧草表现出粗纤维含量增加、粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量下降的趋势,这反映产草量较大时对营养元素的"稀释"现象.
Spatio-temporal changes in biomass carbon sinks in China's forests from 1977 to 2008被引量:55
Forests play a leading role in regional and global carbon (C) cycles. Detailed assessment of the temporal and spatial changes in C sinks/sources of China's forests is critical to the estimation of the national C budget and can help to constitute sustainable forest management policies for climate change. In this study, we explored the spatio-temporal changes in forest biomass C stocks in China between 1977 and 2008, using six periods of the national forest inventory data. According to the definition of the forest inventory, China's forest was categorized into three groups: forest stand, economic forest, and bamboo forest. We estimated forest biomass C stocks for each inventory period by using continuous biomass expansion factor (BEF) method for forest stands, and the mean biomass density method for economic and bamboo forests. As a result, China's forests have accumulated biomass C (i.e., biomass C sink) of 1896 Tg (1Tg=1012g) during the study period, with 1710, 108 and 78 Tg C in forest stands, and economic and bamboo forests, respectively. Annual forest biomass C sink was 70.2 Tg Ca-1 , offsetting 7.8% of the contemporary fossil CO2 emissions in the country. The results also showed that planted forests have functioned as a persistent C sink, sequestrating 818 Tg C and accounting for 47.8% of total C sink in forest stands, and that the old-, mid- and young-aged forests have sequestrated 930, 391 and 388 Tg C from 1977 to 2008. Our results suggest that China's forests have a big potential as biomass C sink in the future because of its large area of planted forests with young-aged growth and low C density.
GUO ZhaoDiHU HuiFengLI PinLI NuYunFANG JingYun
种子雨是植物种子扩散的起点,对群落更新及种群动态起着关键作用。该文以三峡大老岭自然保护区内一片面积为1.3hm2的光叶水青冈(Fagus lucida)群落固定样地为研究对象,运用分层随机设计,在10个不同的地形部位放置了100个种子雨收集框,自2001年起进行种子雨观测,对该群落种子雨的数量与物种多样性的年际动态、种子雨和群落物种构成的关系等进行了统计分析。结果表明:1)过去10年间,共收集到来自48种木本植物的60926粒种子,种子雨的多年平均密度为(82.9±61.5)seeds·m–2·a–1(mean±SD),平均物种丰富度为(16.7±5.5)species·a–1(mean±SD)。2)种子生产的种间差异极为显著,种子量排名前三的植物贡献了累计种子雨总量的70%。3)群落种子雨的密度和物种丰富度在10年中基本同步,均呈现显著的周期性波动,并出现了3个大年。乔木和灌木种子雨密度的年际波动无显著相关性,但物种数变化显著正相关;4)种子雨与样地群落共有种为23种,分别占种子雨和群落中木本植物种数的47.92%和54.76%,但这些共有种贡献了种子总量的96.22%,表明扩散限制在研究群落中十分显著。与国内其他森林群落种子雨研究结果相比,该研究群落的种子雨密度明显较低。
Response of forest distribution to past climate change: An insight into future predictions被引量:6
Vegetation dynamics could lead to changes in the global carbon and hydrology cycle,as well as feedbacks to climate change.This paper reviews the response of forest dynamics to climate change.Based on palaeoecological studies,we summarized the features and modes of vegetation response to climate change and categorized the impacts of climate change on vegetation dynamics as three types:climate stress on vegetation,buffer effects by non-climatic factors,and perturbation of the vegetation distribution by stochastic events.Due to the openness of the vegetation system and the integrated effects of both climatic and non-climatic factors,the vegetation-climate relationship deviates far from its equilibrium.The vegetation distribution shows a non-linear response to climate change,which also makes it difficult to quantify the modern vegetation distribution in terms of specific climatic factors.Past analog,space-for-time-substitution and Dynamic Global Vegetation Models(DGVMs)are three approaches to predicting the future vegetation distribution,but they have all been established on the assumption of vegetation-climate equilibrium.We propose that improving DGVMs is a future task for studies of vegetation dynamics because these are process-based models incorporating both disturbance(e.g.fire)and the variability in Plant Functional Types(PFTs).However,palaeoecological results should be used to test the models,and issues like spatial and temporal scale,complexity of climate change,effects of non-climatic factors,vegetation-climate feedback,and human regulation on vegetation dynamics are suggested as topics for future studies.