Taking natural grassland on the northern slope of the Qilian Mountain for example, this paper investigated and compared aboveground and belowground biomass of grassland in multi-year enclosure(20 years), one-year enclosure, control areas(natural grazing areas). The results showed that coverage and height of the enclosure sample plots were significantly higher than that of natural grazing area(P <0.05); mean aboveground biomass of grassland: multi-year enclosure(316.58 g/m^2) > one-year enclosure area(299.07 g/m^2) > multi-year enclosure control area(254.39 g/m^2) > one-year enclosure control area(187.37 g/m^2); belowground biomass: multi-year enclosure(2,906.90 g/m^2) > one-year enclosure area(2,587.26 g/m^2) > multi-year enclosure control area(2,378.93 g/m^2) > one-year enclosure control area(2,029.17 g/m^2); mean aboveground biomass of natural grassland was 263.60 g/m^2, mean belowground biomass 2,225.56 g/m^2; ratio of belowground biomass to aboveground biomass varied between 6.79 and 12.90, distribution of belowground biomass and aboveground biomass in each plot showed significant differences(P <0.05). Enclosure was favorable for improving the coverage and biomass of natural grassland plant communities in the Qilian Mountains.
WANG ShunliLIU XiandeJIN MingZHANG XuelongZHAO WeijunWANG Rongxin
The change characteristics and trends of the regional climate in the source region of the Yellow River, and the response of runoff to climate change, are analyzed based on observational data of air temperature, precipitation, and runoff at 10 main hydrological and weather stations in the region. Our results show that a strong signal of climate shift from warm-dry to warm-humid in the western parts of northwestern China (Xinjiang) and the western Hexi Corridor of Gansu Province occurred in the late 1980s, and a same signal of climate change occurred in the mid-2000s in the source region of the Yellow River located in the eastern part of northwestern China. This climate changeover has led to a rapid increase in rainfall and stream runoff in the latter region. In most of the years since 2004 the average annual precipitation in the source region of the Yellow River has been greater than the long-term average annual value, and after 2007 the runoff measured at all of the hydrologic sections on the main channel of the Yellow River in the source region has also consistently exceeded the long-term average annual because of rainfall increase. It is difficult to determine the prospects of future climate change until additional observations and research are conducted on the rate and temporal and spatial extents of climate change in the region. Nevertheless, we predict that the climate shift from warm-dry to warm-humid in the source region of the Yellow River is very likely to be in the decadal time scale, which means a warming and rainy climate in the source region of the Yellow River will continue in the coming decades.
YongChao LanHuiJun JinChengFang LaJun WenJie SongJinPeng Liu
Groundwater resource is vital to the sustainable development of socio-economics in arid and semi-arid regions of Northwest China. An estimation of the groundwater resources variation in Zhangye Basin was made during 1985-2013 based on long-term groundwater observation data and geostatistical method. The results show that from 1985 to 2013, groundwater storage exhibited tremendous dissimilarity on temporal and spatial scale for the whole Zhangye Basin, especially before and after implementation of the water diversion policy. Trend of groundwater storage varied from quick to slow decline or increase. The accumulative groundwater storage decreased nearly 47.52~ 108 m3, and annual average depletion rate reached 1.64x 108 m3/a. Among which, the accumulative groundwater storage of the river and well water mixed irrigation district decreased by 37.48x 108 m3, accounting for about 78.87% of the total groundwater depletion of the Zhangye Basin. Accumulative depletion of groundwater storage varied in respective irrigation districts. Though groundwater resources depletion rate slowed down from 2005, the overall storage in the whole basin and re- spective districts during 1985-2013 was still in a severe deficit such that, the groundwater resource was in a rather negative balance, which could threaten the local aquifer. This is the joint effect of climate change and human activities, however human activities, such as water diversion policy and groundwater exploitation, became increasingly intense. Our research results could provide a reasonable estimation for the groundwater balance in Zhangye Basin, providing a scientific basis for water resources unified planning and, this method can provide a relatively reliable way of estimation for large scale groundwater resources.
Water resources, as the primary limiting factor, constrain the economic and social development in arid inland areas. The Zhangye Basin is a representative area of inland river basins, which is located in the middle parts of the Heihe River watershed, northwestern China. Facing with the huge water shortage, people exploited ground- water at a large scale in recent years. The reducing recharge from surface water and over-exploitation of ground- water led to the decline of groundwater levels and threatened the sustainability of water resources. This study con- structed a conceptual and numerical groundwater flow model and calibrated the model based on the observed wells A solute transport model was built using MT3DMS to calculate the groundwater age distribution in the Zhangye Basin. The simulated result shows that the youngest groundwater is distributed near the most upstream areas in the model domain, which is less than 1,000 a, older groundwater is distributed in deeper parts of the aquifer and near the discharge outlets, ranging from 6,000 a to over 20,000 a. Spatial variation of groundwater ages in the middle area indicates the recharge diversity between unconfined and confined aquifer. Groundwater age can serve as an indicator to evaluate groundwater's renewal capacity and sustainability. The formation of groundwater resources in the lower stream area would spend 10,000 a or even more than 20,000 a, so exploitation of groundwater in these areas should be restrained.
利用1998-2008年56个气象台站降水资料,结合TRMM月降水产品,通过对TRMM3B43降水数据在不同气候区、不同时空尺度的精度对比分析,探讨了卫星遥感反演降水产品在中国西北内陆河流域的适应性.结果表明:TRMM探测的月降水数据与实测月降水数据在整体上具有较好的一致性和线性相关性,相关系数为0.76,效率系数为0.58,其探测的降水量比观测值略大;TRMM在高原气候区月降水量的探测效果要优于在西风带区的;TRMM数据所反映的降水量的年内变化过程和实测降水量结果基本一致,但在具体的量上有一定的差异,表现为对降水相对集中的5-9月低估实测降水量,而在降水较少的10月-次年4月高估实测降水量,反映了TRMM对较大强度降水量的探测能力不足.流域多年平均降水量呈现南、北部大,中部小的格局,降水量的高值中心主要出现在高山地区,高达300 mm;而受西风环流影响的塔里木盆地东南面的且末-若羌一带、吐鲁番盆地和受高原区影响的柴达木盆地为极端干旱少雨区,降水量均不足100 mm.