The Concept of Wealth in Marx’s philosophy includes three dimensions of meanings,namely the use value,the social relations and the man’s ability.Marx not only reveales the unity of human nature of objectivity,sociality and subjectivity through the concept of wealth,but also by distinguishing between the wealth and the value and between the wealth and the property,surpasses the classical economists and so-called socialists who treated production as an eternal truth while limiting history in distribution.On the basis of this thinking,Marx,from the perspective of the role of wealth in promoting the development of human subjective productive forces and human free individuality,expoundes the positive significance of the wealth in man’s development,and turnes wealth into a basic dimension to understand the social development which aims at individual development.At present,it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study Marx’s theory of wealth to understand the essence of productive forces of historical materialism,acknowledge the role of man in productive forces,and conceive productive forces as the grounds for socialist construction so as to build up human-oriented idea of wealth development.